The politics of Europe is such that we have in past centuries witnessed many revolutions of the kind which lead to conflicts.Today, once more, under the "leadership" of the EU we are witnessing another test.The British in their caution and concern are stepping away from the EU in the hope that Brexit will mitigate the creation of the Grand EU monoculture programme whose foundations rely on the collapse of the distinct identities of European member states.

How then can the EU turn this situation around?How then can member states fearing a rise in Hard Right Nationalism turn this around?

For the EU project has relied upon the destabilising of the governmental infrastructures of some member States as we have witnessed in the United Kingdom with the application of Human Rights legislation on Public Bodies which the EU itself is exempt from; the agenda being then to pass increasing powers and executive decisions - free of scrutiny - to the EU "raw powers":the creation of an EU armed force, the continuing creation of Regulations and Directives that have become statute even following the Brexit vote in contempt of the decision made by the people and the GDPR, for example.Even during the Referendum, the EU blatantly bribed organisations to speak up for the EU and attempted to fix the event for its own interests trampling on democracy and showing no consideration for its own legitimacy or the consequences of its interference.

The behaviour of the establishment in the UK towards the people who took part has been one of hostility and entrenchment.Thus, the EU has shown itself to be not only the foe of Human Rights and Democracy but also an entity that is unable to cope with Governance.This highlights a culture that has no respect or consideration for legal Governance alongside the rights of the citizens of Europe.

Take for example the migration of millions of people to European countries without any democratic involvement by the people in those countries and subsequent clumsy attempts to cover up the consequences. Following this, the giving of more rights to migrants - legal or illegal – than to the citizens, highlights a complete disregard for public health, wellbeing and security.It is no surprise then that's the EU's destruction approaches and with it potentially a cascade of the Governance of European governments at the hands of the people.

The EU has begun to wage war on its own people and to shatter the fundamental constitutional presumptions and agreements that permit national government structures to function with the confidence of the people.If the EU were a platform, it would rest on the columns like supports that represent each Member State which in turn rest upon the very many smaller columns that are the people and structures in those Member States.As these columns fall down, the stability and resilience of the EU that relies so much on them diminishes. This is what is happening now.Eventually, the weight of the EU platform will force it to collapse on to the last remaining columns that have already collapsed because the people who had been holding them up at the very bottom have been lost;the smallest columns no longer feeling that the EU has any interest in them and simply leaving or supporting another model that does not support the EU.

What then can we learn from the past with regards to these events in Europe?

Where can we find the wisdom to turn matters around and devise a moderate acceptable settlement for the continued existence of the EU project?

Relevant Influences in the French and USA Revolutions

Thomas Paine in his writing of the Rights of Man was able to give intellectual flesh to the ideas that influenced a great many.He was an anti-monarchist Republican whose saving graces were on the advocacy of democracy and Constitutional structures. However, as an ally of the Girondins in Revolutionary France, he experienced the bite of revolutionary zeal when he found himself imprisoned and waiting to die (he escaped) when the emotive drivers of the revolution, the Montagnards took power and embarked upon their murderous campaign and Reign of Terror.

In 1793 Thomas Paine should have learnt the lessons of Revolutions that they are high energy events and high energy events are not reasonable or intellectual considerations.They are raw, and they are deadly.For in each political group whether Socialists or Conservatives are those who are extreme; whose views are fuelled by the idea of destroying their opponents whose passions outweigh any logical, civil or rational communication.

We witness today in the rise of the Hard Left in the United Kingdom and the anti-democratic Remainers amongst the Blair supporters within the Labour Party, a toxic combination that is totally opposed to modernity.As the Girondins inadvertently opened the door to the Montagnards so too Blairism opened the doors to the BNP and the Hard-Left Communists.

In Edmund Burke's 1790 "Reflections on the Revolution" pamphlet, Burke highlights how the requirement for a Revolution to promote the "soldier" to the same level as the "citizen" is unsustainable, and the arrival of a General or Commander inevitable – hence the rise of Napoleon.Such a leader would change from being mere military leader to being Leader of the State, replacing the very idea the Revolution sought to end.Burke emphasized – as Paine experienced for himself - the devilry that can occur when power is held by those with far too much of it.As he explained: when men or women play God, devilry tragically results.And so it did with the Napoleonic wars and the birth of regimes shaped by ideas of that time - Communism and its demented twin Fascism.

Burke's assessment was based on analysis of practical reality rather than abstract intellectual ideas, untested hypotheses and an abstract reliance on emotion-wrapped objectives.A value-based radical political or religious concept can only ever be vain and abstract till it is tested practically in the real world.

Revolutions based on ideology always lead to a social form of control like a pyramid.When groups of people are driven by pain, desperation, anger and passion they will seize any recipe of solutions, tested or untested, since their analytical rationality is sacrificed to dogmatic loyalty to those emotion-wrapped objectives.

Countless millions of men, women and children were crushed by revolutions and by the extreme Nazi and Communist parties in Europe and Russia; emotions of adulation followed by tyranny and more cruelty and murder to hold it all together - because the established new Revolutionary Leader always fears another revolution.Hence the burning of books by the Nazis and the Communist hatred of "unequal" high skills in the land of "Equals" where the incompetence of the unqualified create havoc in highly skilled occupations; consequences of the revolutionary butchery of France and the idea that people be ruled by someone more akin to them.

Separation of Powers

One of the main constitutional concepts that has helped to prevent revolution, autocracy and the resulting resource and economic inefficiencies which occur has been the Separation of Powers. Designed to ensure that no group, structure or institution has too much power and so cannot use its influence to overthrow governmental structures and replace them with the post-revolutionary madness and cruelty.

The EU has weakened this concept within Member States with absolutely no consideration of the consequences.As we have witnessed in the UK EU funding enabled its supporters to become politicised and fight in

elections, thus supporting the political ambitions of the modern "revolutionaries" who seek to end the political status quo.

In its aftermath, the EU Referendum highlighted a complete ending of this constitutional Separation of Powers in the UK.Various institutions, including the House of Lords, abandoned constitutional and political neutrality to become one giant political force working against the people's majority vote.Abandoning the democratic process and their constitutional obligation to carry out the people's mandate, these ideologues, including the combined muscle of the huge BBC, the House of Lords and the Electoral Commission have become one giant political movement.

The "Revolution" then in these modern times consists of increased integration into an authoritarian body that, instead of being led by the violent mob, is being led by institutionalised officialdom that seeks to resist the Leave vote within the democratic process and without mass violence (via another vote). Thus, they wish to preserve the status quo or move to reverse the Leave.

The convergence of these institutions represents an abhorrent cancerous growth whose coded genetics is heavily aligned with those most murderous and destructive ideologies: Communism and Fascism; hence their obsession with imposing equality in the first instance and with identity politics in the second.

The ability of these institutions to work together to counter the Referendum result shows how organized and powerful they already are. Like all revolutionaries, their support of the EU is evidence of the very traits Burke highlighted as unsustainable – the reliance on the EU being based on emotive and personal reasons rather than intellectual application of pragmatic reality.Thus, the public witnesses the lack of professionalism and objectivity in the application of the duties of these bodies, so that, inevitably, the public has no faith in them.

Since the EU adopted a radical, revolutionary political idea, enforcing it on an unsuspecting and generous populace utilising the method of massive demographical transformation under the false premise of socialist ideas of equality, the EU has in fact, by destroying the Separation of Powers, shot itself in the foot.

It would have been far wiser for the EU to be uninterested in the politics of one-party post-revolutionary philosophy and instead enjoy the benefits of being "above it all".Had the institutions been trusted to carry out their public functions professionally and practically they would now all enjoy public trust and faith. These essential Governing columns would not have collapsed into ridicule and ignominy as they lost public support, and the EU would be able to rely on their competence and not feel the overt encroachment of consequential instability of its own political ideology.

Edmund Burke is validated here. And the EU itself and its Member States must exercise the Separation of Powers to prevent the domination of any one group.The foundations of the EU are only as robust as its scrutiny of itself permits, and until it does scrutinize itself, it will lack the ability to prove that it can govern and is not just a revolutionary agent of chaos and tyranny – which would never be accepted by European citizens.

Rule of Law

A.V. Dicey has discussed this issue at length and we have touched on it at the beginning of this article.

If the EU were a true advocate and defender of equality and truly concerned about the application of the law on all people regardless of their sexuality, race and beliefs, then it would never protect rapists and murderers.This weird protection of criminals by the EU is the source of the angst of Europeans, many of whom are turning to parties of the Hard Right with their alternative political vision that respects the concerns of European citizens and speaks out when they suffer harm; in contrast to those institutions under the control and influence of the EU which refuses to address or scrutinise that harm, and which cannot deal with inequality because it applies justice unequally; where, ironically, equality of outcome is replaced by the "control" exercised by the EU "Revolutionaries."

As Burke made clear, when people are unaccountable and have god-like power, then we usually end up with devilry. Because so-called "revolutionary" decisions were made and implemented by the EU without the blessing of the Europeans, and because of the consequent suffering by Europeans without democratic representation or protection by the institutions of civilised society - the EU itself has given birth to the counter-revolution: professional destroyers of Separation of Powers and masters of the concept of an "elite" - the Hard Right.

Newton's Third Law of Motion determines that all forces occur in pairs and when one object exerts a force on another object, then the second object exerts an equal and opposite reaction force on the first. This is what is happening now in Europe.There is no politics of "moderation".The mass immigration that is occurring across Europe is not a the result of a moderate policy but of an extreme policy. So, the reaction is the same.

The EU has failed utterly to follow Rule of Law.Preferring to pursue its political agenda, the laws it implements discriminate against its own citizens in favour the widening of its own autocratic control. Laws in the EU are arbitrary, laughed at in Spain and quietly hated in the UK that abides by them, waiting for the day it can sever them forever.For to the citizens, these laws are unqualified and random, created without public blessing and implemented weakly so that certainty under EU laws is low.

For if EU Regulations and Directives that became Law are applied differently to different people, how then does a citizen rely upon them?If a Member State's criminal justice system is weaker than an EU decision how can anyone rely on the emergency services to perform their role whether they are run by the EU or by the Member State?Thus, here in the UK, we lose many people who supported our legal systems and policies.They head away to seek a more local and representative group or Party who listens to them and acknowledges their concerns in a manner that Brussels and its member states and institutions do not. Then it becomes increasingly hard for the Member State and its institutions to hold up the EU because they no longer have the support of the public, and the whole structure begins its cascade.

As in the United States of America, the Socialist ideas advocated by one Party have led to the election of an unpopular man in political circles who nonetheless is seen by many Americans to be representing their interests, and despite his many faults, he has not proven himself to be on par with monsters such as Hitler and Stalin but treats all resident and legally resident American citizens as the people he is voted to represent.Ironically, the danger now has been created by those advocating and making demands on behalf of those not legally resident in the United States, by the Hard Left pressing for an equality that is not within US law.The proposition that "legal" is no longer a meaningful concept of course undermines not only legal structures but also the rules made by elected governing bodies.Such a concept is chaotic and renders all Governance null and void.

Rule of Law is essential for all advanced elected ruling bodies different from those organized after bloody revolutions by tyrants.Rule of Law, elected parliamentarians and lawyers are usually the first to go after autocrats come to power.Men like Thomas Paine with their advanced intellectual ideas end up overseeing murders they never wanted or, themselves get imprisoned or killed, whereas Burke's pragmatism and beliefs opened the doors to reform rather than revolution.

For old European nations with great histories, pragmatic reform of respected laws has always been the more positive option. Pitt the Younger would prove this to be the case.

Currently, because of the autocratic nature of the EU, Rule of Law is barely legitimate in Europe.Once it is gone, the structure and rules of the EU with its Member States will become arbitrary.The EU cannot survive without the Member States and they cannot survive without the Rule of Law.