The Olympic games have begun and the first event, a race has been run, then, much to the dismay of the gathered throng of observers in the stands, the runner that came in last, who was way behind all the rest, is declared the winner and presented with the champions gold medal.

How about when elections are held and the candidates with the least votes are declared the winners and take up their seats in Parliament or on local councils. Surely the people would protest loudly and not accept such injustice. Unfortunately, they already live with much the same unfairness on a daily basis and are, in reality, due to political correctness and the cancel culture, too afraid to do anything about it.

A simple example of this was when doing our weekly shop in a local supermarket, my wife always had a liking for a certain brand of fruit pastilles, these were the ones where people of a certain age will remember the TV advert with the lad telling his mother "Don't to forget the fruit pastilles mom". One week my wife picked up a pack of these once tasty treats and she noticed the pack proudly announced the pastilles were now made with a vegan friendly recipe - they tasted awful and that was the end of her love affair with her favourite confectionery. The question has to be asked, why on earth did this confectionary company destroy one of its most popular brands to please vegans who are a tiny minority? It must be presumed many others, who like my wife, called it a day and said goodbye to their fruit pastilles.

This is but just one example where the majority loses out to a tiny minority, sadly, there are far too many similar cases in these strange days where priorities are warped against the majority in favour of a minority. The Free Speech Union is doing a sterling job of defending people who lose their jobs or get a knock on the door from the P.C. P.C's simply for stating a man in a frock is a man when the male person, pretending to be female, or as we now, in these strange distorted times, have to refer to someone as a person of none specified gender or none binary, makes a complaint about being called a man due to the fact he has, for some strange reason, decided to be a woman with a prostate, moustache and beard!

How many people in the UK actually class themselves as a gender opposite to their true biological gender, declare they are none binary or one of the made up over 50 genders now being used to brainwash young, innocent minds in schools? The answer, according to official figures, is 0.5%. Despite such a tiny number of people having some sort of mental breakdown as to their gender at birth, the vast majority of the population are being made to feel guilty or even face the full force of the law if they object to men who declare they are female when they want to use women's spaces, such as female lavatories or take part in female sports which gives them a grossly unfair advantage, as witness during the 2024 Olympics. Boxing is an horrific sport which in my opinion should be banned, seeing two people causing harm to each other with the end result brain damage in later life is not a sport, it is barbarism and why women would want to take part in this violence is a puzzle, but when one of them is so obviously male declaring to be female, as in the case of Algeria's Imane Khelif knocking seven types of excrement out of Taiwan's Lin Yu-ting was an affront to the name of fairness in sport. Once again the minority was the winer.

For the vast majority of people going about their daily lives they are being forced into second place in favour of tiny groups of people who should not be pandered to but instead be told to stop being so silly and if they do not want to not fit into the norms of daily life then they can't complain, as in more sane times, when such people were the but of ridicule.

In these insane topsy turvy times the losers are now the winners.