Concrete is a durable construction material used to construct many permanent structures. However, wet concrete requires temporary formwork to mold it into the desired shape. The formwork holds the concrete together until it is firm enough to withstand external impact. What is the best material to build these temporary structures? This question is intriguing for anyone planning to undertake a construction project soon. With so many materials used to create formwork, many contractors, architects, and engineers prefer plywood. This article will highlight the benefits of using plywood concrete formwork when building various structures.


Contractors want to use sturdy and durable materials for different uses. Laminated plywood is tough enough to withstand pressure, weather elements, and concrete load. This makes it ideal for creating temporary structures to shape the wet concrete. Additionally, plywood formwork can resist fire, water, and termites, which are known to destroy natural wood. With this product, contractors do not have to worry about it warping or shrinking when exposed to extreme weather. Therefore, contractors can use plywood on different projects, saving time and money in the long run.

Contractors can also use plywood for projects that require high-resistance material as long as they get one with the right number of layers. The plywood is unlikely to break since it has many layers of rigid material attached to each other. The unique arrangement of the grains in the plywood makes the plywood resist impact from every direction.


Plywood is also great for framework since it comes in different sizes and designs. During construction, contract workers can cut, split, drill, or manipulate plywood to meet the construction requirements. This flexibility comes in handy since concrete structures might have a unique shape. More interestingly, some plywood can be used to create slightly curved surfaces, which could pose a challenge and increase construction costs if more rigid materials were used.


Some people may not consider plywood eco-friendly because it is made of wood. However, engineered wood manufacturers use materials that would otherwise go to waste. They also use efficient manufacturing processes to create durable and recyclable materials. Therefore, plywood helps conserve wood and reduce the rate at which people cut trees for construction work. What's more, plywood sheets can be used and reused to create concrete formwork for different applications, conserving wood and protecting forests.


Contractors can reuse plywood several times, saving time and resources that would otherwise be used to buy, transport, store new pieces, and dispose of the old ones. This means that the contractors can offer their clients discounts and win more clients by minimizing construction costs. Unlike wood, plywood is lightweight and easy to install. Therefore, workers require less time to create formwork, reducing labor costs. Similarly, the material cuts construction time and reduces environmental impact.

It Does Not Split Easily

Plywood may be as strong as the wood it is designed from. However, its benefits go beyond natural timber. It is usually made of several layers of thin wood materials pressed to create a smooth laminated sheet with uniform width and strength. Unlike wood, which tends to split when nailed at the edges, plywood hardly splits. Besides, plywood has a high strength-to-weight ratio and uniform grains from one edge to another. This makes it ideal for creating formwork for foundations, beams, floors, and sometimes walls. However, natural wood does not always provide a smooth surface and uniform stability to construct concrete formwork.

Contractors usually look for materials that are durable, flexible, eco-friendly, cost-effective, and one that does not easily split when looking for materials to create a framework. This is what they will get when they use plywood. These materials will also offer reliable concrete formwork for their projects.