John Redwood's Lecture, All Souls College, Oxford 

Rt Hon Sir John Redwood will be giving a lecture on the great western inflation of the last two years. He will examine the role of the Central banks, explain how they could have avoided the general price rises, and ask how the Bank of Japan, the Swiss Central Bank and the People's Bank of China kept inflation down. He will point out that contrary to common accounts the Fed and the Bank of England are not independent but work closely with Treasury officials and the wider government they serve. He will make recommendations for changes to the models and approach the three main western Central banks use. He will cover the question of how Quantitative easing and Quantitative tightening have added to the problems and blurred dividing lines between Central Bank and government financial and budget policies.

John Redwood has written and spoken on economic topics for many years. He warned against the destabilising effects of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism on the UK economy in the 1980s, warned about excessive credit and lending in the mid-2000s prior to the banking crash and argued against Quantitative tightening extending into 2021 and 2022 when recovery was well set after recognising its need in 2020 to offset lockdowns.

Date: 26 May 2023

Event time: 11:00 - 12:30

Venue: All Soul College, Old Library, Oxford, OX1 4AL

The event has been published on the University website:

And also, on the College's website:

Both links include a link to the registration form, which you can access directly by Clicking Here