Following the BREXIT referendum those opposed to democracy claimed the vote was not a mandate. 51.89% was not enough. Fabian Socialists like Starmer demanded another referendum. Bizarrely, some even claimed that the real result was actually only 37.44% obtaining that figure by reference to the total number of person registered to vote.

In vain democrats pointed out that that is not the way democracy works. A person is free to vote or not as they wish. The result may not be what one wants but for democracy to work, the defeated accept the result. Without losers consent there can be no democracy. The fact that Socialists do not believe in democracy was brought sharply into focus by the antics of Hillary Benn and Keir Starmer.

How different then post the 2024 General Election. Socialists who tried to overthrow democracy in the years following 2016 now claimed they had a 'Mandate for Change'. That mandate is based on 33.7 % of those who cast their vote, voting for Labour. Use the percentage of all those registered to vote and it is 20.14%. Not a word now of the figures proving that Labour has no mandate. 17,410,742 voted to leave the EU. 9,708,716 voted Labour in 2024, 7,702,026 less than voted Labour.

The point of Fabianism is to pretend a belief in democracy, but pursue the imposition of socialism by other means, more subtle than revolution. Attlee tried with some success, Blair with even more and now Starmer seeks to finish the job. The weeping and wailing from the left over Trump's victory is because they face having their victory snatched from them. At last, someone is talking and acting on common sense values. Values that challenge the Socialist undermining of the values the majority believe in.

It is sadly not just Socialists that hold democracy in contempt. The Liberal Democrats and their allies the One Nation Tories do too. With a Patrician disregard for the people and a certainty that they know best, the illiberal anti democrats have joined with Socialists to overthrow democracy. They use the same tactics as the Fabians.

Philip Hammond, then Foreign Secretary moved the second reading of the Referendum bill: saying "Mr Speaker, this is a simple, but vital, piece of legislation. It has one clear purpose: to deliver on our promise to give the British people the final say on our EU membership in an in/out referendum by the end of 2017". The full speech is available here. If he were honest he would have said. "This bill is for a referendum the result of which will be respected if you vote as you are told". When it came to implementing the result Hillary Benn proposed a blocking bill that forced Johnson to do a deal with the EU. His hands were tied. Twenty one Tory MPs voted with Labour for the Benn bill which passed by 328 votes to 301. Philip Hamond was among them. The list is Guto Bebb, Richard Benyon, Steve Brine, Alastair Burt, Greg Clark, Ken Clarke, David Gauke, Justine Greening, Dominic Grieve, Sam Gyimah, Philip Hammond, Stephen Hammond, Richard Harrington, Margot James, Letwin, Anne Milton, Caroline Nokes, Antoinette Sandbach, Nicholas Soames, Rory Stewart and Ed Vaizey. Earlier Phillip Lee had defected to the Liberal Democrats.

Democracy and the principle of Losers Consent are anathema to these self righteous opponents of the very basis of our Country's constitution. Mrs Badenoch repeatedly claims that she is studying the problem. No need, the problem is clear. The conservative party is still run by the heirs of Philip Hammond and David Cameron. Most Tory MP are wedded to the EU as are Labour and the Lib Dems. The reason is simple. The EU is anti democratic. It has ignored every single referendum that it did not like. The only one it could not ignore, BREXIT, it has tried to undermine and reverse. To our shame as a democracy it has had plenty of help from those who have spat on the shilling they took from us when elected.

Plainly Starmer wants closer ties with the EU. It fits his Fabian belief in replacing democracy. There is no good reason economically, politically or militarily to tie ourselves to a declining trade block with a calamitous currency. A trade bloc that sees itself as a unitary state, but whose failing German paymaster refuses the reforms to bring that into being.

Those of us who believe in Sovereignty and Democracy can take heart from Trump's election. It is not necessary to agree with everything. However, I do applaud the way in which he is rolling back wokeism. Yes, there are two sexes Male and Female. There are two political models. Democracy and Socialism. We have four years to defend democracy through protest and action at the ballot box. Shamefully some Conservative Councils are joining Labour in cancelling some elections. They can run, but they cannot hide. Eventually they will have to face the music and when that time comes it's up to us to blast the faux democrats out of our lives.