By John Smith on Friday, 04 June 2021
Category: European Union

5 Tips for Starting Student Life in the UK

Attending university helps students get one step closer to their dream job. Starting university is an exciting chapter for students, but it is also very daunting for some. University life is very different from high school life as you become independent and start living on your own.

University life has pros and cons. It is different, so many students find it hard to adjust to the new environment and norms. In the UK, it is no different. In the beginning, managing academics is very challenging, so students should learn how to write an essay in an hour. But academics are not the only thing. The following tips have been compiled to make your transition from a school student to a university student easier.

1. Get involved and get as much information about freshers' week as you can

Before you start your classes, it is good to interact with other students facing the same situation as you. It will help you make friends and help relieve stress. Fresher's week is planned to help students starting university acclimate. The week hosts a lot of events such as fairs, so you can go out and meet people.

You can even interact with other freshmen using social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. These university makes groups for students to join and learn about the institutions. If you are one of the many UK international students, these groups can act as a guide to what to do and not do.

Furthermore, freshmen will create their own groups as well. These groups are more informal, and you can play games online, joke around and make friends even before going to university. If you are an international student, they can guide you to join take part in events designed specifically for people like you. These events involve a full campus tour and a buddy system. The buddy system will pair you up with a resident from the college who can help you find classes, places to eat, and help with accommodation.

If you opt for student accommodation, then chances are you will encounter many people who attend the same institution as you; freshmen, juniors, and even seniors.You can ask them for guidance and advice for new students. You will spend a lot of time with these people, and they will heavily contribute to your college experience, so make sure to cultivate good relations with them.

2. Look for the best local travel options

There are many options for travel like buses, underground subways, college-hired transport, taxis, and uber. On a tight budget, using uber and taxis daily is not very economical. So, you will have to use public transport. You can apply for a student bus card even. It is advised to research different routes to find the best option for yourself. For this purpose, you can download a map of the city or an app that shows the map along with public transport timings and stops.

3. Explore location

You should move to your accommodation a few days before classes start. It will help you attend freshers' week and get to know other people in the same dorm. You will get a chance to settle in and set your room. Moreover, you can use these days to explore the campus and its surrounding. It is a great opportunity to visit different buildings on campus, find the library and any places for lunch, or grab a coffee. Many restaurants near the campus will have flyers about services where you can buy college essays online to manger your academics. You can even find out where your classes are so you do not get lost on your first day.

4. Look for part-time job

Studying abroad is not cheap at all. To manage tuition fees and your own personal needs, you will have to look for a part-time job. Working part-time while focusing on your education is tough but not impossible. A majority of people often work part-time while pursuing their education; it has become a part of the UK student life. You can easily find a job around your campus that will facilitate your academic schedule. You can choose a standard job like;

● A barista,

● A library assistant,

● A store manager.

Or you can find a job related to your degree. For example, if you are an art student, you can work as a;

● Photographer,

● Graphic designer,

● Essay writer,

● Music teacher for children.

It is helpful to have an updated resume ready for use. If you are an international student, then you apply for different jobs even before you fly out to the UK for studies. It will make sure you have interviews lined up and can start working immediately.

5. Set up a bank account

If you are among the international students in the UK, it is very important that you set up a bank account. The account can either be a student bank account or a normal one in a bank from the UK. It will make transactions more convenient as you will not need to access your local bank each time.

A study abroad in London tip is to get insurance. The UK local bank account will come in handy for this. The two types of insurance you should focus on are;

● Health insurance,

● Travel insurance.

You will be residing in London for a few years when studying, so it is smart to have health insurance. You are human and prone to get sick. So, it is good to have access to affordable healthcare. If you were to fall ill without insurance, then it would cost a fortune, from doctor's appointments to medicines.

UK offers students from the European Union to apply for an EHIC card. This card makes medical services accessible to them at reduced rates, while some services are free. If you are not from the European Union, do not fret. You can apply for immigration healthcare as part of your VISA. 

The second insurance is related to travel. Everyone has heard stories of someone losing their luggage or missing flights. It costs a fortune to fix these issues, so as someone who is studying, you do not have extra cash lying around for this issue. Travel insurance will cover all these costs for you. If you have a student bank account, it will help you get a good deal with insurance companies and be useful in the UK.

When preparing for university, it is good to have all the necessary documentation and copies at hand. A few must-have documents are;

● Passport and Visa,

● Admission letter,

● Accommodation details,

● Plane tickets and boarding pass,

● Bank account details,

● Insurance details.

College is as scary as it is exciting. But you do not need to worry. Most students are nervous like you are and learn to manage things just like you will. Hopefully, these tips will be helpful and make your transition to university life as smooth as it can be.