By Ethan Thoburn on Saturday, 27 July 2019
Category: European Union

Bruges Group Membership

The Bruges Group was founded 30 years ago, with you as part of our team, we have achieved a great deal. Yet, there is still a long way to go and any scenario is possible, and all eventualities are probable.

So far, our strategy has been vindicated, the hard work is helping restore our freedom. Throughout the autumn of 2018, and the winter, spring and summer of this year, the Bruges Group's output and activity has been at an unprecedented level, equal if not greater than that shown by us during the referendum campaign. Indeed, in terms of media coverage and partnering with our dedicated political supporters we have gone from strength to strength. Your support has made this possible.

Our campaign for independence has been greatly successful and continues to make sure that we are never betrayed again. Indeed, as the battle soon resumes in Parliament our work is needed as much as ever. We hold people to account to make sure Brexit, and a real one at that, is delivered in full. More twists and turns are certain, we must remain active and vigilant, but the destination at the end of what has been a long road is within sight, we hope that you will complete this journey with us.​

The Bruges Group was set up in February of 1989 in honour of Margaret Thatcher's 'Bruges Speech' in September 1988 at the College of Europe, the Bruges Group was set up as a think tank to promote the emerging centralisation in Europe and the desire for a United States of Europe. At The Bruges Group, all parties are welcome, and we aim to promote free market ideas such as limited government, enterprise, reduction of regulation and of course spearheading the intellectual Eurosceptic cause.

At The Bruges Group we have been addressed by leading Eurosceptics and free market thinkers and are publicly backed by some senior political figures such as Iain Duncan Smith MP, Michael Portillo, Sir John Redwood MP, Lord Tebbit of Chingford, Nigel Farage MEP, Frank Field MP, Sir John Nott, Lord Lilley as well as greats such as the Iron Lady herself. One of our earliest supporters was one Boris Johnson who described The Bruges Group as "purveyors for the truth on Europe" in a speech he gave to us.

Throughout the previous 12 months, The Bruges Group has produced an unprecedented amount of content in the form of blog posts, papers and speeches from keynotes; possibly even more than we did during the 2016 EU referendum campaign. We must keep going and never give up in promoting our cause and we are always welcome to new membership as well as established members continuing to contribute to our project to allow it to grow from strength to strength.

As a member of The Bruges Group you will receive printed publication, exclusive benefits and of course be part of the winning team that champions independence of our great nation as well as encouraging economic growth and prosperity.

At The Bruges Group there is a fantastic admin team and article contributors and of course the Director Robert Oulds who does a fantastic job in promoting the cause, then there is Barry Legg the Chairman who does equally a fantastic job.

Please consider becoming a member of The Bruges Group from as little as £30 per year as well as lifetime memberships which are also offered, donations are more than welcome but not compulsory. If you would like to join then please visit our membership page or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.

Thank you.