By Michael Wood on Friday, 16 September 2022
Category: European Union

Climate - C02 Nature's Gift

In this important book, the author Jeremy Nieboer sets out the case for CO2 as a vital element of mankind's survival. It is also a powerful indictment of the UN and Global elite who have so woefully failed to protect the earths population. Shockingly the author explains that this failure is brought down upon us solely by unquestioned submission to the dogma of global warming which has banished all scientific enquiry and which tolerates no dissent. That people may starve and freeze is the result of ignoring science.

That depends, he claims, depends on a single great falsehood - that CO2 is a pollutant that acts as a 'blanket' to 'trap' the Earth's heat causing dangerous warming that imperils the very existence of humanity.

It is that colossal falsehood that his book seeks to expose. CO2 provides the food of plants and so of all humans and animals. By photosynthesis in plants it produces all the oxygen we breathe. It keeps Earth's temperature in natural balance. If CO2 more than doubled no warming effect would be noticed. It would create surplus food for all.

Jeremy Nieboer states that "CO2 is Nature's great gift to humanity." His book is an important contribution to the debate and essential reading for anyone interested in Science and Truth. 


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