By Wood on Tuesday, 15 June 2021
Category: European Union

Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinchaft Conference, Berlin

Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinchaft conference Berlin 1942 and the Mitteleuropäischer Wirtschaftstag (MWT)

This was the report and conference by the leading Nazi economists during WW2 which planned a European Economic Community:

When I started looking into this, I noticed that CIB and BfB have both written on it, BUT neither of them have done an exposé on the Nazi figures and where they ended up. They also don't mention the Mitteleuropäischer Wirtschaftstag which I think is well worth a mention.

Briefings for Brexit article by David Blake:

Campaign for an Independent Britain article by Edward Spalton:

Detail on the Nazi economists:

This is the list of people named as speakers at the Nazis' conference above, titled 'A European Economic Community' in 1942. Their names and topics are followed by notes on where they ended up after WW2.

Six of the nine went on to prominent roles in the German establishment or economics, including govt economics advisors. Of the other three, one died in 1945 (Koenigs), one was jailed at Nuremberg (Funk) and one does not appear in post-war records (Beisiegel).

Two of the six (Clodius and Woermann), in addition to presenting at this conference, had been closely involved in the Mitteleuropäische Wirtschaftstag (MWT), which did the early planning on the concept of German economic hegemony. The MWT ran from 1931 to 1945 and, according to German sources, 'pursued the goal of conquering the Central European market economically as well as indirectly dominating it politically.'

The description continues: 'After the hegemony over the southern and eastern European market, the struggle for the world market was to begin in a second stage. The MWT thus operated a geopolitical strategy not primarily with military means, but primarily with economic and trade policy measures'.


• Walter Funk, Reichs Economic Minister and President of the Reichsbank: "The Economic Face of the New Europe"

• Dr. Horst Jecht, Professor at The Berlin School of Economics: "Developments towards the European Economic Community"

• Dr. Emil Woermann, Professor at Halle University: "European Agriculture"

Note: (published several papers on the Nazi economy and for the duration of WW2 was on the board of the Nazi Mitteleuropäischen Wirtschaftstag (MWT), which planned the post-military economic phase expansion of German influence, see below)

• Dr. Anton Reithinger, Director of the Economics Department of I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G., Berlin:

"The European Industrial Economy"

• Dr. Philipp Beisiegel, Ministerial Director of the Reich's Labour Ministry: "The Deployment of Labour in Europe"

• Gustav Koenigs, Secretary of State, Berlin:

"Questions About European Transport"

• Dr. Bernhard Benning, Director of the Reich's Credit Company, Berlin: "Questions About Europe's Currency"

• Dr. Carl Clodius, Ambassador of the Foreign Office:

"European Trade and Economic Agreements''

Note: as a high ranking official he was in contact with the MWT below and took part in MWT conferences

• Professor Dr. Heinrich Hunke, Economic Committee Advisor of the NSDAP, President of Germany's Economic Publicity Agency and the Berlin Society of Industry and Commerce:

"The Basic Question: Europe - Geographical Concept or Political Fact?"