By John Smith on Tuesday, 29 September 2020
Category: European Union

Here Is Why The EU Might Fall Apart

During recent years, the European Union has faced a lot of criticism from its members. So, there have been signs of possible fracturing for many years. A handful of problems have led to the shattering of the Union with some of the most notable events being the 2008 economic crash, the influx of asylum seekers, and the United Kingdom's decisions to leave the EU. This combination could spell doom for the European Union and see EU countries operating independently of one another in the near future. Below, readers will learn more about the reasons that the EU may fall apart in the future.


First and foremost, readers should understand that the EU's goal is misguided. It wants to create a political union among its members. This is difficult, if not impossible because each EU country has its own history and culture. People from the United Kingdom may not want to share their culture and idea with others. There is a good chance that the EU's actions will backfire and lead to an increase of nationalism across the area.

If this happens, the EU will be doomed. Countries will begin splitting from the agency rapidly leading to its downfall.

Economic Issues

When it comes to the EU, the countries involved are vastly different. They're different in terms of languages spoken, culture, history, and so much more. One of the most notable and startling differences is economics. It is important to understand that some EU countries are wealthier than others. Some believe that the different economics are incompatible. Since Germany has the biggest economy of all EU members, it often has more power in negotiations.

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The country has invested heavily in the EU and it wants all members to adopt an economy that aligns with its own. Since the economies are incompatible, there is a greater chance that the EU is going to fall apart.

More Sway

The European Union should be fair for every country involved. However, this has not been the case in recent years. Unfortunately, a lot of experts agree that certain countries have more control over the EU than others. For instance, Greece has been in a decline. Much of this has to do with the fact that Germany imposed austerity cuts in exchange for loans. Some will agree that Germany was responsible for Greece's decline. Either way, Germany maintains more control over the EU than the other countries. This gives them an edge and will upset the other members at some point.

It hurt Greece and will hurt another country in the future. Bets can be placed at Kasyno Online to determine which country will be hurt next.

No Democracy

The European Union tries to frame itself as a democracy but this couldn't be further from the truth. The European Parliament does very little. Furthermore, the people of the European Union have little say in matters. Instead, everything is controlled by national governments. Eventually, people are going to revolt and demand change. They'll want their voices heard and they'll encourage their leaders to break from the EU.

Schengen Agreement

One of the biggest problems with the EU is the Schengen Agreement. This allows people to pass through the borders of EU countries without checks. This could be very dangerous since there are so many terrorists lurking around. Furthermore, countries are trying to crack down on illegal immigration but that seems impossible thanks to the Schengen Agreement. This could be another issue that drives a wedge between EU members.

Consumer Confusion

Even if the economy is flourishing at the moment, consumers may be confused about the future of their country. Some consumers may be optimistic while others are pessimistic about the EU's future. Those who are hopeful may spend their money more freely than those who see a bleak future for the EU. What is the difference? Well, first and foremost, optimism plays a major role in how consumers spend their money. These consumers will probably not see issues with spending their last euro for non-essentials. But, the same may not be said about the consumers who see a bleak future for the EU.

When consumers are up in arms about their future, they become confused. This will have a negative impact on Europe's economy. It may not happen tomorrow or the next day but it will happen at some point. Economic experts still have not reached a point where they all agree on the future of the EU.