By Colin Bullen on Wednesday, 19 January 2022
Category: European Union


Despite being a lifelong Brexiteer I find myself disappointed in Boris, and am indeed in direct opposition to a number of the policies he is actively pursuing.

He has signed up to the ludicrous Green agenda, which is set fair to totally undermine our economy, forcing people to abandon their cars, and to pay through the nose for energy, all to follow a theory based on the false premise that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere drives climate change, when an impartial examination of the scientific evidence, and the historical record, reveals that this is totally false.

Despite a great deal of talk the invasion of our country continues, as thousands, enthusiastically spurred on by the French, arrive across the Channel, adding to the problems we already endure of a lack of a sufficient number of schools, jobs, houses, GPs etc. While one sympathises with those seeking to improve their life chances the potential numbers run into millions, and I think of those parents, particularly in the old industrial areas, who have seen their children unable to obtain decent employment, who must now watch those with no ties to this nation, undercut wages and obtain housing which is in such short supply.

Boris is also presiding over an economic policy which is the opposite of that which produced prosperity in the past, increasing taxes at a time when the standard of living is under greater threat than it has been for many years. He has also failed to take on the vested interests in the Civil Service, NHS etc. who seek to preserve their privileges at the expense of the rest of us, and done very little to oppose the lunatics of ‘woke’.

Perhaps the worse failure is not following through on Brexit, allowing the EU, and their fellow travellers in the UK, to maintain many of the rules and regulations which are among the very reasons we voted to leave in the first pace. The Northern Ireland protocol is clearly incompatible with our status as a sovereign nation and must go.

On the positive side Boris has done well when faced with a medical emergency unprecedented for over one hundred years, both by his enabling of the vaccine rollout, and by his refusal to bow to pressure from the pessimists, allowing the country greater freedom as it became clear that the modellers were exaggerating the seriousness of the Omicron wave. Unfortunately he has not grasped the nettle concerning the NHS being overloaded with parasitical bureaucrats.

However the matter of drink parties, pursued by the Left, with the BBC acting as cheerleader, reveals the truth about the attitude of the British establishment to Boris, and the implacable hatred with which he is regarded by the Remainers for actually sticking to his guns, and delivering Brexit, albeit not yet fully.

The bureaucrats, the so called progressive Left, the judiciary, large parts of the media, and almost all of the chattering classes are incandescent that the British people actually dared to defy them, and voted to leave the EU. They still do not accept that this is an accomplished fact, and continue to try and reverse the situation. That fanatical Remainer Lord Adonis made the game plan clear when he said “If Boris goes, Brexit goes”. The BBC, even when war threatens in Eastern Europe, treats so called “Partygate” as if it was the most important challenge facing the nation.

These people accuse Boris of showing contempt for the electorate, but we must never forget that they did their best to negate the greatest democratic vote taken in this country, because they have more in common with their continental counterparts than with the British people. When the result of the 2016 referendum was declared one senior civil servant was reported as saying “it will never happen”. What arrogance!

Boris makes mistakes, and certainly needs to get a grip, but the true hypocrites are those who point at the mote in his eye, while ignoring the plank in theirs.