By John Smith on Sunday, 25 April 2021
Category: European Union

Instagram: tips for engagement

You may have noticed that everywhere you go these days, people are always taking pictures of all sorts of things, in different settings with all sorts of people. It may be a plate of food, a trip to a vacation spot or a party. Many people are excited about taking a photo, probably to remember the event by. One of the biggest pushers for this trend is Instagram, a photo and video sharing social media site. Who knew people would be taking pictures of the food they eat? Instagram didn't.

Instagram has over 300 million users and offers businesses a visual way that businesses can present their products and services to their customers. This becomes easier as businesses generate great content that gain them new followers. Without spending money, this may be difficult but not always. Some tips and tricks can go a long way in creating more engagement. Gaining followers does not have to be daunting if you follow these tips.

Post content that can be shared

Content! Content! Content! Nobody likes boring content. At least not on Instagram. Users on Instagram are there for the entertainment and fun. Most content created for Instagram needs to be interesting, funny and relatable. Additionally, tagging friends helps content along the way by letting those tagged about the content shared which brings more traffic to the content.

Use hashtags

Hashtags are the sardine containers of Instagram. It gets all the sardines that look the same and bundle them together. Hashtags bundle content using the same hashtag together to make it easier for a user to find but also to share if they want to engage the hashtag. Hashtags make it easier for other users that are interested in the same content find it and engage with it. If you are not very familiar with hashtags, the highly rated Task Ant has got your back, they use the Instagram API and their stats to help you find hashtags. This is a quick and effective solution, to help you find the most engaging ones. Using hashtags is all about finding the right ones and creating content for it and then ride the wave.

Have a niche

Being a jack of all trades in the real world may be great but not so much on Instagram. Niches are a best bet when it comes to deciding what kind of content to produce. Niches have a specific taste in content which makes it easier to find users with similar content tastes and also, learn what kind of content works for them to create more engagement with your posts.

Live and Stories

The most popular feature on Instagram is Stories with over 500 million users every day. It has become so popular; it is almost replacing the main feed. What makes it so popular? It allows posts with a mix of photos and images at one go that disappear after 24 hours. People seek authentic and approachable content which they can find through stories. Additionally, stories has stickers which encourage followers to chat and share their experiences and opinions with the poster. Instagram live is another helpful feature that broadcasts videos in real time to their followers who can engage immediately. Topics can be pinned on the videos to allow followers to know what they are tuning in to.

User generated content

You do not always have to do the work if you can use user generated content. Many users create content on Instagram that is popular and can be used by brands for their content. While it may feel like work for employees, customers often find enjoyment in creating brand related content for the brands they love and enjoy. People are more likely to engage with a brand that has a human touch to it shown by how it engages with customers. Additionally, it benefits not only the brand but the user as well.


Instagram can be great with the right understanding of what works and what does not. To be ahead in the game, users need to know how to use user generated content, hashtags, live and stories to their advantage. These tools make the experience of making the best of Instagram much easier and effective to gain the results you need. Try them out.