There is no appetite to repeat arguments set out in a previous article presenting a four-partite political system based on the splintering of traditional parties.

Seven Labour MPs resigned on 18 February 2019 to form an independent group focused on opposing Brexit. It is difficult not to draw parallels with the Labour split in 1981, but the impact and timing of these current departures differs: WE ARE LEAVING THE EUROPEAN UNION. In or out, the European Union has always been a point of contention in the UK and the debate about our future exit is reaching fever pitch as political splits and talks of deselection gather momentum.

Seven Labour MPs can attract 8% of voters, which is more than the UK's Independent Party or the Liberal Democrats and is an achievement, especially when they have failed to outline their vision for the future of the United Kingdom. Polls have been used repetitively to influence public opinion, so no surprise here.

Target: Conservative Party

The real target of this masquerade is the Conservative Party. BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg hinted that a couple of Tories were thinking about joining the Independent Group.

Kuenssberg goes so far to suggest that deselection campaigns in constituencies of Tories opposed to Brexit may strengthen the newly-created party.

She states such a party would threaten May's feeble majority in Parliament: "Even a couple leaving the governing party could make a difference."

Objective: Extreme Centre

The potential merger of Labour Party MPs and Tories would essentially create an extreme centre threatening the stability of our political system. It is not clear whether voters would actually back such a party, The Sun seems unconvinced by the move: "You cannot 'build a new politics' when your foundation stone is an attempt to reverse the biggest democratic mandate in our history."

The propaganda machine is up and rolling hence the polls mentioned above and only time will tell whether these MPs' constituents agree with their stance, but it is difficult to see a majority backing people who have stood on a manifesto only to defy it.

France: a laboratory

France is the only place in the world where this political experiment has been tried, and resulted in the election of Emmanuel Macron.

His victory relied on one element: the electoral map.

* First, kill the right-wing candidate/party -> Francois Fillon was politically murdered.

* Second, give right-wing voters options -> Emmanuel Macron, with the latter taking a more moderate stance "neither right nor left" whilst Marine Le Pen is presented as the far-right candidate.

* Third, decimate the traditional democratic system -> The French congress is held by Macron's party, which is why investigations into Benalla have stalled.

As we have observed over the last few months, setting up a technical government has consequences -> yellow vest protests.

The game plan is to lobby as many MPs from the Labour and Conservative parties to strengthen this group of independent MPs representing an 'extreme centre'. This is political engineering focused on 'primary elections' to divide traditional parties and expose dissenting visions between candidates of the same party.

It may be challenging to set-up such a system in Great Britain, but be under no illusion that this is pure political subversion designed to mine the electoral process and KILL BREXIT.

And the subversive campaign goes on.