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The Bruges Group spearheaded the intellectual battle to win a vote to leave the European Union and, above all, against the emergence of a centralised EU state.
The Bruges Group spearheaded the intellectual battle to win a vote to leave the European Union and, above all, against the emergence of a centralised EU state.

Bruges Group Blog

Spearheading the intellectual battle against the EU. And for new thinking in international affairs.

Scarlett Spencer is a former alumni at the Department of War Studies at King's College London. She is a member of Bruges Group who works for Children's Services.


The Future(s) of the United Kingdom

The Great Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008 has left many cadavers in its wake; zombified economies with under performing companies kept under life support by a presumed modern monetary theory, not too dissimilar to what Japan embarked on in the late 1990s. Quantitative Easing where the quantity is never enough, and the pressure is such that central b...

  3591 Hits

Political Tactics

Boris Johnson: a Churchillian moment France political commentators have for months patiently waited for Boris Johnson to renegade on his promise to the electorate. They have sought to help him pretend that we have left the EU whilst keeping close ties with the superstructure. The European Union has sought to manipulate our exit from the get-go and ...

  4618 Hits

An Unavoidable Exit

European technocrats and their British supporters have been left aghast by the government decision to present the Internal Market Bill, designed to protect the integrity of the United Kingdom. The remainer machinery, which has remained largely dormant over the past few months, has awaken in defence of international law and the United Kingdom's stan...

  4690 Hits

We Aren't Out of the Woods Yet

The absence of a pan-European fiscal union combined with the departure of the United Kingdom have left European finances is disarray. This has been exacerbated by a crisis that has sown divisions in a frail union with poorer states demanding that richer countries foot the bill to save the Union. When Germany's constitutional court questioned t...

  3851 Hits

Das Ende?

Almost four years after we voted to leave the European Union (EU), Boris Johnson delivered on his promise to 'GET BREXIT DONE'. Little did we know at the time (on 31st January 2020) that the year was going to bring its own woes, which are now threatening to bring down the European dream of unity, solidarity, and borderless territory. In addition to...

  5888 Hits

Lots of Huffing and Puffing

There is a lot of huff and puff today because the European Union failed to agree on a rescue package – there will be no bonds to bail out the superstructure and worst they have had to resort to accepting junk bonds as collateral because Italy will be downgraded. They cannot afford to lose the United Kingdom's budgetary contribution. The European Un...

  3462 Hits

Here We Go Again

One would be forgiven if they only half-heartedly pledged their support to Boris Johnson after he stated that he would get Brexit done. So far, the bill has made it through parliament without a hitch and the 31st January 2020 was a celebratory moment…until Coronavirus. Death tolls are rising throughout the world as countries fail to contain the spr...

  4440 Hits

An Invisible Warfare

The European Union is facing one of its biggest challenges with the departure of one of its largest financial contributors in a midst of a widespread debt crisis. The United Kingdom on the other hand may have avoided one by implementing the 2016 referendum results thanks to Boris Johnson's thumping majority at the last General Election in Dece...

  4678 Hits

Magic and Tricks

Boris Johnson has really taken us on a ride here. The trick, ladies and gentlemen, was to make us believe that he intended to take us out of the European Union with or without a deal, even with the Benn Act and all will be revealed in time and it was. There was no way he could avoid the Benn Act so didn't just send one letter to the European Union ...

  4651 Hits

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

There is probably no greater struggle in life than the one with oneself. The European Union has always been a contentious issue in this country this is why David Cameron decided to call a referendum. The so-called Remainers believed wholeheartedly that they could win it and lay to rest once and for all oppositions to the UK's EU membership, but it ...

  4291 Hits

British Politics – a critical analysis

Brexit is one of the most defining in our history. It is sometimes presented as a political disease, which must be cured by simply preventing its fulfilment or as a political opportunity, which will enable us to become once again a sovereign nation capable of making its own laws. What has transpired however over the last few months is the inability...

  5930 Hits

Welcome to the age of cognitive warfare

The strategy of chaos is in full swing in the United Kingdom! The country has been plunged in a total information warfare, the EU having lost the legal and popular argument when the referendum took place in 2016. They have now resorted to using their weapon of choice: disinformation. The Brexiteers are making a serious mistake by focusing on May wh...

  5220 Hits

Political game play

There is no appetite to repeat arguments set out in a previous article presenting a four-partite political system based on the splintering of traditional parties. Seven Labour MPs resigned on 18 February 2019 to form an independent group focused on opposing Brexit. It is difficult not to draw parallels with the Labour split in 1981, but the impact ...

  5006 Hits

Fundamental issues and the financial need for a clean Brexit

Fundamental issues and Post-Brexit vision The United Kingdom is at a crossroad, one which will define its future for generations to come. Parliamentarian Brexiteers are playing a pivotal role in bringing about this change of paradigm by making sure the United Kingdom leaves the European Union.Brexiteers' avant-garde mindsets make them the architect...

  5685 Hits

Time to go on the offensive

People who have voted to leave the European Union have recently woken up to the reality that several political/economic figures in the United Kingdom and abroad are intent on stealing the referendum to ensure we remain in the customs union and abide by laws made in Brussels. Campaigns targeting MPs who are openly defying their party manifesto and t...

  5172 Hits

The strategy of chaos

Did you call me nebulous? The end of year festive cheer was in full swing as politicians exchanged pleasantries.Many pondered whether the leader of opposition called Theresa May a 'stupid woman' and Jean-Claude Juncker may have had equally kind words for our PM. It was rather a turbulent week in British politics - a vote of no confidence in Theresa...

  4742 Hits

Operation Killing Brexit

A calculated campaign is underway to effectively nullify the 2016 referendum and keep the United Kingdom in the European Union for the foreseeable future. The latest development in this ongoing saga is the attempt by the Prime Minister to extend the transition period bringing it closer to the next General Election in 2022. We all remember that duri...

  6679 Hits

The Politics of Prestidigitation

Magicians never reveal their secrets, but we all know that magic lies in the distraction of one's attention. This is exactly what the politics of prestidigitation is all about. Since Emmanuel Macron's coronation at the helm of the French state, we have never heard the French make as much noise as now.This former banker has mastered the art of showm...

  6144 Hits

There is only one way out of the European Union

We voted to leave the European Union on 23rd June 2016 and technically – even politically - it should be as easy as it was when we first joined what was then called the European Economic Community in 1973. However, the context has evolved and the European Union has no intention to let the United Kingdom leave its superstructure thus relying on an i...

  6772 Hits

Contact us

Director : Robert Oulds
Tel: 020 7287 4414
Chairman: Barry Legg
The Bruges Group
246 Linen Hall, 162-168 Regent Street
London W1B 5TB
United Kingdom
Founder President :
The Rt Hon. the Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven LG, OM, FRS 
Vice-President : The Rt Hon. the Lord Lamont of Lerwick,
Chairman: Barry Legg
Director : Robert Oulds MA, FRSA
Washington D.C. Representative : John O'Sullivan CBE
Founder Chairman : Lord Harris of High Cross
Head of Media: Jack Soames