With the abolition of slavery, Britain established the West Africa Squadron. Between 1807 and 1860 it seized some 1,600 Portuguese, American, French, and Cuban slave ships and freed 150,000 slaves. Additionally, force was used to prevent African rulers carrying on the trade. An example is the demand that the King Kosoko of Lagos end slavery and hum...
The Conservative Party is still in crisis despite the deep unpopularity of the relatively new Starmer-led Government and of himself and some of his chief ministers. The Opposition should be riding high and scoring points easily, but such was the deep disenchantment with the last Conservative government that led to loyal party members and activists ...
he EU's shadow borrowing has continued to increase, and rapidly. That is the message given by this high-level update by Bob Lyddon, international banking expert and author of 'The shadow liabilities of EU Member States, and the threat they pose to global financial stability', which was published by The Bruges Group in 2023 and used year-end 2...
The election of Donald Trump and the new broom sweeping in the United States seemed like a light at the end of a very long tunnel. At last, it seemed, common sense had returned. Socialism and its woke spawn in retreat, hopefully to be vanquished. J D Vance's speech in Munich had the self entitled twitching with indignation. Olaf Scholz accused him ...
Despite being a lifelong pessimist and sceptic even I am astounded at how quickly has the Labour Party broken promises, and alarmed at their attack on free speech, and even free thought, in this country. The government, led by a humourless, robotic lawyer and bureaucrat, has empowered the Blob which dominates so much of our public services, made cl...
What's the best way to destroy a project? The simple answer is to put a person or persons in charge who hate and are totally opposed to that project—that way failure is assured. From the 1st February 2020, the very first day Britain was officially set free from the EU's bureaucratic clutches, there were claims that Brexit was not working even befor...
Ariane Loening's Inquiry is detailed in her book published by the Bruges Group. It is available on Amazon In this article Ariane describes the background to her work. I started to investigate the issue of rural Bengali women's disadvantage after living in West Bengal for several years, having learnt Bengali and qualified and practised in rural area...
Disastrous. Shortsighted. Checkered. Incomplete. Bloody. Failure. These are just a handful of the words used to described U.S. Foreign Policy under former President Joe Biden's administration. The military withdraw from Afghanistan resulting in needless death, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the bolstering of rhetoric from China, the temporary pie...
Kevin's leg, or lack of a leg, is currently the big topic of discussion in the Lyndon where we go for a lunchtime pint and chat with friends. Kevin, who is the youngest of our group, has been having problems for a few years. First it was decided, after various treatments by his medics, that he needed a partial amputation of his foot, then in recent...
Following the BREXIT referendum those opposed to democracy claimed the vote was not a mandate. 51.89% was not enough. Fabian Socialists like Starmer demanded another referendum. Bizarrely, some even claimed that the real result was actually only 37.44% obtaining that figure by reference to the total number of person registered to vote. In vai...
This article written by Chris Morrison is the Daily Sceptic's Environment Editor. is reproduced with permission https://dailysceptic.org/2025/01/21/mps-to-consider-bill-likely-to-cause-mass-starvation-death-disease-and-societal-collapse-in-near-future/ This Friday, January 24th, the UK Parliament is due to vote on a Private Member's Bill that could...
.According to the Met Office we have just experienced the coldest January temperatures for 15 years. I wonder how much colder it has to get to satisfy the Greenies among us. Our national news media have been claiming that 2024 was the hottest year on record and that it was over 1.5 degrees C above the pre industrial norms. How accurate is this clai...
Many of the comments on last week's Budget have pointed out that taxes, already very high, are being pushed higher, and that government borrowing, also very high, is being pushed higher still. Some commentators are asking – not for the first time – whether the British economy can absorb this amount of taxation and government borrowing, or whe...
The mortar is the global south. Ironically for all its anti-colonialist rhetoric and claim to speak for the global south, an empire ('of free trade' at least) appears to be under construction, or an unequal association with eventually its own currency and foreign policy. Of particular concern is the presence of the China, Russia, Iran axis at the t...
In 2025, the Starmer Government will place the UK under EU rule in the key policy areas of foreign affairs and defence A December 2024 headline states: 'EU leaders warn Trump it's bad timing for a Ukraine deal'. Subsequent headlines have said the same - the EU is actually seeking to dissuade the US from ending the Ukraine war. Why would they do thi...
The Olympic games have begun and the first event, a race has been run, then, much to the dismay of the gathered throng of observers in the stands, the runner that came in last, who was way behind all the rest, is declared the winner and presented with the champions gold medal. How about when elections are held and the candidates with the least vote...
Reason For The Study So, the disgraceful anti-British government of Kier 'two-tier'/ 'free-gear'/ 'flip-flop'/ 'sausage' appears to have declared war on the farming community. For those of us outside the London 'bubble' who follow politics, this has come as no surprise: after all, most farmers are rural (not urban) in outlook, based in rural ...
We have the son of a toolmaker and an engineer. They seem intent on squeezing us between a Rock and a Hard place. Starmer senior was, reportedly, a successful business man who made useful tools for his clients. His son seems intent on doing the opposite. Every day this man of the extreme left displays his Socialist credentials. He is following the ...
At a meeting on 12th November 2024 Suella Braverman had a Discussion with Frank Millard: this is a transcript. FM =Frank Millard SB Suella Braverman. FM: Thank you very much for your time Suella, it's our pleasure to be interviewing you. SB: Thank you for having me and for hosting this. It's great to be with friends and thank you for all the work y...
Here in rural England there has traditionally been a feeling that the Labour Party is the voice of a very metropolitan hostility and non-comprehension of the issues associated with 'the Countryside'. In truth possibly many Conservatives are little better informed, albeit their inherent instincts are not hostile to landowners. In the 1990's, BBC rad...
The bloc must tear up its post-Brexit script or risk letting the US swoop in and carry Britain awayby Andrew Evans-Pritchard If the EU seriously wishes to draw Britain closer into its commercial and political sphere, it will have to tear up the post-Brexit script and abandon the punitive pedantry of the last eight years. Otherwise it ri...
Pantomime has come early, every day we are treated to Labour MPs, advisors and commentators shrieking 'Fourteen Years'. Like a demented Animal Farm chorus line the phrase is repeated to answer everything from cigarettes to army numbers. Seemingly, the only talent required to become a senior minister in our new government is an adenoidal vowel destr...
1. The Labour Government intends to conclude a 'defence and security pact' ('The Pact') with the EU next year and the likelihood is 'almost certain'. No events which would prevent this pact are currently anticipated. The only factors which might delay or even prevent would be UK public outrage which would require public awareness and/or US Go...
Yet another COP event and yet more insanity and hypocrisy, not least from our Prime Minister who, by promising his eco pals at the COP 29 event which, after most of the delegates flying in from all over the globe in their private jets, with tables groaning under the weight of expensive food and drinks, as well as all the hot air, these events...
Arguably the history of Britain, indeed the world has been damaged by 'religious fervour'. Experts and those claiming an elite right to rule have, through the ages, clung to beliefs that damaged society. When Robert Peel split the Tory party on free trade and led many, including Gladstone into opposition he espoused a sensible solution to the probl...
Mr. Speaker, it is an honour and a privilege for me to have this opportunity to present to the House the government's budget for the coming year. As the House will already know, our economy and government finances are in a desperate and sorry state. Over the past nearly 25 years we have suffered a series of setbacks that have enveloped us in a perf...
Yet again there are calls for wicked Britain to pay eye watering sums of money for its part in the slave trade, which considering, during well over a thousand years of this country's long history, our unfortunate part in this vile trade was only a small moment of that long and varied past. At the 2024 Commonwealth gathering in Samoa, there were dem...
In the summer we had relatives visiting from Kyrgyzstan They wanted to see England, but also the Continent. We took them to Germany and Belgium. In Germany we stayed in a four star hotel I had enjoyed when I lived there. It's old and has a wonderful kitchen. It did not have a phone in the room. "Everyone uses mobiles these days", I was told. Even i...
Many waves of world revolution find their common beginning in the "shot heard 'round the world" on the April 19, 1775 at Lexington and Concord. An intellectual contagion would sweep through France (1789), Haiti (1804), and the rest of the American Hemisphere carrying the good news of the rights of man, modernity, and rationalism as opposed to obscu...
"The Truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it. Ignorance may deride it, malice may distort it, but there it is." Winston S. Churchill, The Truth is Incontrovertible, (International Churchill Society; https://winstonchrchill.org/resou...
Lord Falconer's Assisted Dying Bill was submitted for its first reading within a few days (26 July) of the General Election. The Bill says it is to 'Allow adults who are terminally ill, subject to safeguards, to be assisted to end their own life; and for connected purposes.' If passed it will for the first time here legalise the deliberate killing ...
A lasting regret of my time travelling in the ex Soviet Union is not having bought a postcard. In my mind I can still see the object of my regret. It was titled 'Sofia by Night'. The photo was of the main square in Sofia, Bulgaria. Brightly lit at night. No traffic, no people, not a dog, cat or owl, just an empty square. I never enjoyed my business...
On October 3, Boris Johnson shared with The Telegraph his assessment that Donald Trump would have stopped Vladimir Putin from invading Ukraine—a striking indictment of the current leadership vacuum in Washington under Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. Johnson's claim should be a clarion call to any American voters who care about the West's geopolitical ...
There was an irony that at the exact time both the last UK coal fired power station and the Port Talbot steelworks closed, the timing aligned exactly with the completion of my twelve months of temperature readings which I have been taking daily. After experiencing a pretty cold and miserable summer when most of August 2023 hardly got over 60f, I wa...
We are in the second stage of Blair reforms. The dark shadow of the former PM hangs over the new Labour administration. This Blairite legacy was always about 'constitutional reform', Supreme Court, devolved powers and field sports were their aspiration. It was something to excite the Labour membership's turgid mentality. Now in 2024 with a big Comm...
When I wrote the article: 'How to destroy a country' for this esteemed blog, I meant it to be seen as a warning. Sadly, from their actions, it appears our Labour Government have used it as an instruction manual, they have taken the art of wrecking this nation to frightening new heights. During the run up to the July 4th general election Sir K...
The typical employee's wage slip is something of a con. Here's how it works. For earnings between £12,570 and £50,270 p.a. there are deductions of income tax at 20%, employee NIC at 12% but an additional 13.8% NIC is paid by the employer. If someone on the average salary of c. £33,000 a year gets a raise of £1,000 the worker pays £320 in tax/NIC an...
There is a widespread misconception that in order to deal with the problem of illegal migration into the UK by migrants arriving on inflatable boats the UK has to withdraw from membership of the European Convention on Human Rights [ECHR]. Whilst withdrawing from the Convention is unnecessary, what is necessary is ensuring UK Courts do not have to f...
Lord Mandelson is said to be behind the gifted-clothes hoo-ha about Lord Alli, the PM and his wife. Nonsense: this is Hamlet without the Prince. Casey Michael in the Mail on Sunday says that Tony Blair 'is offering extensive advice to Sir Keir Starmer behind the scenes.' Alastair Campbell, too - maybe Ali was behind Starmer's headline-catching visi...
Starmer's government has saddled up for a full Parliamentary session but the question of Labour's legitimation remains. This is not merely a new administration but one with a comprehensive socialist plan it wishes to implement. The potential impact of 'Golden' Brown's grand strategy on our constitutional arrangements is arguably far greater than th...
On 4th of January 1884 a group of middle class socialists met to found the Fabian Society. They named their society after the Roman general Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus who defeated the Carthaginians by avoiding battle. Instead, he wore his enemy down with guerrilla tactics. Their first motif summed it up. A Tortoise and a Wolf in Sheep's...
Sir Keir Starmer appears to be neither economically nor politically astute. Economics: the vote only just passed to abolish the Winter Fuel Payment except to those on Pension Credit may end up as a net cost to the Treasury. John Redwood tweeted beforehand 'Removing the fuel allowance from many low income pensioners will boost numbers on Pensioner C...
I know the dangers of forming political opinions with a barman over a cold beer. I was in France's Perigord, normally a tourist hotspot. The mill-leat outside was busy with gushing water in stark contrast to bar trade. The barman told me that the season was catastrophic after such a wet early summer, then the French elections, European footba...
The Conservative Party has not had much luck in choosing leaders. The first to be elected by ballot, rather than appointed, was Edward Heath and we can debate how successful that choice was for national sovereignty or otherwise another time. The most recent term of Conservative government contains the stream of ineffective leaders the Party did not...
Very few people would have heard of the obscure American politician, Dick Tuck, but many may remember his famous quote after he lost the 1962 Senate Primary election, he said: "The people have spoke - the ba….d's". Those who follow political history will know that all Labour Governments are bad, they tax and regulate far too much and always end up ...
"I beg your pardon," they never promised us a rose garden, but they did. The new Labour government is unravelling and blaming it on everyone but themselves, but mostly on the last government, the members of which seem strangely silent for an Opposition whose job it is to oppose. 'Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party'. Th...
In today's interconnected world, the concept of national sovereignty stands as both a proud declaration of independence and a complex puzzle in the face of global challenges. Sovereignty, the authority of a state to govern itself without external interference, is a foundational principle of international law and a core aspect of a nation's identity...
When Angela Raynor, deputy Prime Minister, called Conservative voters Scum she was using a Socialist tactic. So too was David Lammy, now Foreign Secretary, when he described Conservative MP members of the ERG (a group that supports Brexit and Democracy) Nazis. When challenged he said the label was "not strong enough". Socialism has always been nurt...
Just a week before Christmas in 1947 I came into the world by cesarean operation in the long gone Loveday Street hospital in Birmingham. My home with my parents, Bert and Rose, was at the bottom of a yard where I then spent the next seven years of my life until my parents managed to organise a mortgage to buy their first house. Like many places aro...
The candidates for the Conservative leadership have been announced and are each hoping to be in the final two to be voted on by the membership. Why the Parliamentary Party ultimately get to restrict that choice is neither here nor there. It was in comparatively recent history that they themselves were not given that choice, but the leader was appoi...
During the reign of Tony Blair a slow fuse was lit under the values the vast majority of British people value as normal. Simply, democracy and fair play were the norm. Immigrants who happily integrated were welcome. Of course there were roughs who hate everybody, but by and large Britain was a success. Compared to most other countries with diverse ...
Western economies have become mired in low productivity resulting in insufficient funds to pay for essential services. Sadly, this is not a new phenomenon. For the first couple of hundred thousand years of man' s history on this planet productivity was stagnant. This was not due to a lack of technological innovations. Huge advances were made in the...
There are three certainties that come with every Labour Government, these are: Labour always raise and find new ways to tax the population, they are hypocrites and every Labour Government has left office leaving the country in one hell of a mess. Sadly, nothing will deviate from this statement regarding our newly elected Socialist masters. As...
Not since the assassination attempt of the late US President Ronald Reagan in Washington, D.C., has there been an attempt on the life of a president or presidential nominee prior to last week. A 20-year-old male with no criminal history borrowed his father's rifle, made his way onto the roof of a warehouse 150 yards from where former President Dona...
Reform and Trump have similar objectives. These have generally been mischaracterised as far right, but this new wave of populism is more about nationalism vs globalism than it is about left vs right. It is primarily concerned with what is seen as the theft of our national democracy in pursuant of global goals by international bodies that include th...
The United Arab Emirates is causing increasing concern in democratic capitals. Russia's invasion of Ukraine prompted western nations to impose sanctions on them. The purpose was to constrain Russia's ability to wage an illegal war through economic sanctions. Although a bullies appetite is never sated this has not deterred the UAE and to a lesser ex...
We have just witnessed a six week long surrender culminating in a humiliating defeat that the vanquished have greeted with joy. The glad handing between Starmer and Sunak might lead people to imagine that England's footballers had triumphed, not that Sunak had failed. After the Conservative triumph in 2019, it quickly became obvious that the so cal...
I'm just going to say a very few brief words to mark this occasion and to mark some of the very significant problems that the conservative party faces going forward. And frankly, it now has to decide whether it really wants to be the Conservative Party. Firstly, a little good news there's not much of it about I'm afraid but over the last few months...
Britain's political scene is sporadic, but one constant stayed through it all: skyrocketing national debt poor judgment in allocating public spending. Since 1988, national debt has gotten out of control, and now sits beyond GDP. Parliament's economic judgment have faltered post-Thatcherism, with successive prime ministers failing to replicat...
On 23rd June 2016 (St George's Day) the people of Britain voted to leave the European Union. This was an historic moment. We could say this was the 7th Brexit in history. And it is not complete yet, as we shall see. In effect, this was not the first Brexit, not the first time that Britannia separated her destiny from that of Europe. In 43 AD ...
Taiwan has long considered its island nation separate from mainland China, but the Chinese Communist Party have become dangerously close to tempting the United States into another war by circling the tiny nation-state with warships in recent weeks. Chinese President Xi Jinping has held that cooperation between the United States and China is a focal...
Some years ago, at a Cambridge University event, I talked to a young lady PhD student. She explained that she was hoping for a career in HMRC or the Treasury. To boost her opportunity she was preparing her thesis on the subject 'Flat tax inefficiency and economic damage'. It was a social event and I did not engage her starry eyed subservience to or...
The Labour Party of today came into being as we know it around 1900. Its roots lie in the trade union movement of the 19th century and thanks to such people as Keir Hardy the Labour Party was formed. However, there is an irony in the fact that over a hundred years later, the only people who can afford to vote for the party that was formed to repres...
Sir Keir Starmer's plans relating to the UK's future relationship with the EU are unclear, but then again, his ever-shifting image and (apparent) political position (embracing Corbynism and Blairism), in an attempt to appeal to both Left and Right, Middle and Working class, the old red wall and staunchly pro-EU constituencies, does rather confuse e...
As we move ever closer to the 4th of July, we deserve to hear the plans of those parties most likely to form the next government – the detail, and how any 'wish-list' would be costed. Until detail is supplied, then any manifesto promise, or gimmicky card 'pledge' is meaningless, as there is nothing specific against which to hold a newly-elected gov...
Back in 1997 I walked the streets locally and knocked on doors with the Conservative candidate in what was regarded as a safe constituency. It was a thankless task, but a worthy one and in spite of a cold response and some derision he was elected with a respectable majority. I remember standing outside a polling station as a Labour van went by blar...
Multiple credit cards and a carefree attitude to paying-off bills was at one time the preserve of the more feckless section of society. These days it seems to be a universal ill of local finances and it is a trend that central government has fostered. As local authorities teeter on the brink of insolvency – indeed by any 'normal' accounting assessm...
Ask a child to tell you where their centre is and they'll point at their belly button. It's obvious. It's in the middle. Politicians of the legacy parties bleat incessantly about the 'Centre'. Apparently, no one ever won an election to anything unless they were precariously perched on a fence. Where has that got us? In reality the 'Centre' is the e...
ONS projections show a UK population increase of 6.6 million by 2036, of which 6.1 million will be due to immigration. Annual net migration of 315,000 will lead to a projected population increase of nine million people by 2046. That's eight cities the size of Birmingham. According to Migration Watch, "a child born today to an indigenous British cou...
Ben Pile reported in The Daily Sceptic that the Guardian recently published its survey of 'climate experts'. For the purposes of creating this story, the Guardian's Environment Editor Damian Carrington contacted 843 'lead authors' of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's reports (IPCC) and 383 responded to his questions. The actual substa...
Football clubs are valuable social assets. Their heritage typically goes back to the late Victorian period, when football emerged as the most popular sport of the working class. They have had close association with other local enterprises, particularly breweries (McCrae, 2008), and club directors were often significant employers in the area. ...
A Study by Jeremy Wraith Download PDF File Here
Words can define eras. Harold Wilson's government was full of people who, like their union paymasters, 'Acquiesced' so they could keep their jobs. Today, all of a sudden, all sorts of politicians, journalists and business people have discovered their contemporaries are guilty of egregious behaviour (not themselves of course). Are they all guilty of...
"Finished", "stuffed", "toast" . These have been the words and worse that many otherwise loyal Conservatives used about their own party recently. However, now that the election has been called in spite of such pessimism, there is hope for the beleaguered Tories.: A week is a long time in politics, said Harold Wilson, so how much longer a...
The World Health Organisation, with the support of governments, public-private agencies, profit-seeking multinational corporations, academic institutions, charities and foundations, has been allowed to become a medium for the international marketisation of medical tech and vaccines, and, if we are not careful, the use of these may become mand...
Every now and then, like most people, I come across something which I feel others need to know about and e-mail details of whatever that has got my ire, or offended me, to many who I feel should be equally rattled. Usually when something has got my goat and I send the offending item around to my contacts, I may get a few people who, out of politene...
Other reasons for getting out I have put together some material which I think should help to get the UK out of the ECHR completely and thus, also, enable us to stop the small boats. The failure to achieve this has been given as a major reason for the Tories' forthcoming debacle. There are plenty of people, even in Parliament, who are upset ab...
By Dr Jonathan S. Swift ISBN: 9-781739-092009 Published By The Bruges Group There cannot be many people who are not aware of the virus classified as Covid-19 by the WHO in March 2020 – indeed some people may have contracted the virus – as did the author of this novel. The pandemic hit the UK in March 2020, and l...
Attending one a Politiea event earlier in the year regarding stopping the boats on behalf of the Bruges Group it could be summarised as somewhat hesitant of the bill only providing half measures to combat immigration. The discussion revolved around the legal conservative perspective regarding the policy of "stopping the boats" through the...
How to destroy a country may not be an everyday item on the minds of many as they go about their daily lives. Most people living in this country have other things to to think about such as their jobs or juggling the household finances, a big question may be, if they lash out on a treat will they have enough money left to pay the rent or the mortgag...
According to the experts, Kier Starmer will be Prime Minister by March next year at the latest. On one level it makes little difference. The Conservative Party is indistinguishable from the Liberal Democrats, they are indistinguishable from Labour. Starmer pretends that Labour has moved right, to the centre ground. The reality is that while Cameron...
The Tory party having abandoned Conservatism is now drifting like a metaphorical Marie Celeste. From the Heroic 80 seats to a potential near zero. An updated story of "From Hero to Zero". Rishi Sunak having usurped the leadership plays Captain Ahab uninterested in the calamity he has unleashed. The plan is working he cries while the Tempest rages. ...
We have a two-tier pension system in the UK whereby MPs and public sector employees have a defined benefit or final salary pension, whereas private sector employees have a defined contribution or money purchase pension. This raises the question: should the pension arrangements of MPs be aligned with those of employees in the private or public secto...
Going back centuries alchemists were convinced they could turn base metals into gold, despite none of them being able achieve this, these days we laugh at them for their obvious foolishness and ignorance. Going forward in time, as machinery and technology advanced, a new breed of people were convinced they could invent a perpetual motion machine, l...
Friday March 1st Rishi Sunak stood at a podium outside ten Downing Street. Like a trainee teacher lacking any form of sanction, he confronted a rebellious class. He did not quite say, "You are all very naughty", but it wasn't far-off. Lots of words, a threat to back the Police if they ever get off their knees. He had harsh words for two group...
We are in trouble. It started when Ted Heath told lies about the Common Market and its true intention. Since then, a certain type of self-serving politician has lied about everything from expenses to democracy. According to Nick Robinson, Lindsay Hoyle can be forgiven for caving into Starmer because, "he's only human and wants to keep his job". The...
Download PDF File Here Posted with permission of https://co2coalition.org/ Posted with permission of https://co2coalition.org/ BUY Green in Tooth and Claw Click the Image Below
Assume for a moment that the world achieves net zero carbon emissions and that no more fossil fuels are being produced or consumed. How might life change on Earth? Firstly, let us assume that with no fossil fuels being burnt the CO2 concentration in our atmosphere falls to pre industrial levels of around 280 parts per million. CO2 is an essential r...
We live in a small village in Kent. Our 'Medical Centre' in the next large village has gone digital. Repeat prescriptions are only accepted if one uses the NHS Ap. It has a box where you can write a message. Oddly it has a notice stating "You can add a note about your prescription here. Your note may not be seen or replied to, so if you have an imp...
In 1988, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was founded and its many scientists mandated by the UN Environment Programme and World Meteorological Organization to "make policy relevant – as opposed to policy-prescriptive – assessments of the existing worldwide literature on the scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of climate c...
Straws in the wind The NHS The NHS is crumbling and cannot continue for much longer in its current form. Free healthcare for all at the point of need was possible in the late 1940s and early 1950s but with ever more costly and complex interventions this is no longer the case. None of the modern imaging equipment had been invented when t...
By Christine McNulty Plato believed there exists an inescapable duality, a conflict between mind and body. He viewed human emotion as an enemy and saw reason as a "charioteer commanding horses: the unruly passions" - a view that has echoed down through the centuries.But the history of human achievement is a powerful testimony to the fact...
Why have the Conservatives increased the burden of taxation on individuals earning between £100,000-£150,000, whilst at the same time reducing the burden on those earning over £150,000? Is this, yet another example, of how Conservatives have become out of touch with their key supporters?Under the last Labour Government taxable income between £100,0...
Is the World Economic Forum's annual shindig in the Swiss Alps becoming an embarrassment?As more and more people wake up to the hypocrisy of those preaching from the podium and the dystopian designs of the Great Reset, the air is chilling. Yet the show must go on. The WEF may be floundering, as observed by James Pinkerton in the 'Rise and Fall of D...
Successful American and British military action against Houthi targets in Yemen may not achieve positive results without negative consequences. There are four seas that rule the supply chain world - the Caspian and its link to the Black Sea with its waterway to the Mediterranean with its canal to the Red Sea. This is a lot more than grain and oil b...
Increasing numbers of people have become concerned about a dangerous condition sweeping the planet. Every time there is an annual COP meeting the hundreds of delegates attending, all looking forward to these lavish events after flying in from all parts of the world in their private jets, who require sustenance and are rewarded with tables groaning ...
Reform or Revolution? This is the question. One way or another there will be no more "status quo" on our current course because: if Labour wins, we will have socialism; if things do not change, history shows there will be violence (a revolution). The parallels between the present and the French Revolution (as well as the fall of Rome) are self-evid...
Reproduced with permission of Blue Anchor In this blog I'm going to run through the main economic consequences of Brexit. After the vote to leave The Guardian started a regular tracker to chart its impact on the economy. But as the Remainer predictions relentlessly turned to dust and the good news kept piling up, they quietly dropped this feature. ...
A year ago, I wrote suggesting that many of the current Conservative MPs would rue the day they ditched Boris. The blog was published in October 2022, and identified three key reasons why people had voted Conservative in the 2019 election: (1) Boris's call to 'get Brexit done' – this reflected the national mood when 'leave' won the referendum in 20...
AI is a direct threat to formerly trustworthy and secure sources of information, image and data. In a recent open letter, AI-expert signatories of which included Elon Musk urged a pause in AI training to reflect and take stock. "AI research and development should be refocused on making today's powerful, state-of-the-art systems more accurate,...