Disastrous. Shortsighted. Checkered. Incomplete. Bloody. Failure. These are just a handful of the words used to described U.S. Foreign Policy under former President Joe Biden's administration. The military withdraw from Afghanistan resulting in needless death, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the bolstering of rhetoric from China, the temporary pie...
For the first time since George Washington was elected the United States' first president on April 20, 1789, the mass of land sandwiched between Canada and Mexico is absent a head of state. After forty-six consecutive presidencies, we are missing a fearless leader, a Chief Executive Officer, and Commander of our military. We are missing our top dip...
Not since the assassination attempt of the late US President Ronald Reagan in Washington, D.C., has there been an attempt on the life of a president or presidential nominee prior to last week. A 20-year-old male with no criminal history borrowed his father's rifle, made his way onto the roof of a warehouse 150 yards from where former President Dona...
Taiwan has long considered its island nation separate from mainland China, but the Chinese Communist Party have become dangerously close to tempting the United States into another war by circling the tiny nation-state with warships in recent weeks. Chinese President Xi Jinping has held that cooperation between the United States and China is a focal...
US Secretary of State Tony Blinken has done it again. As the President's chief foreign policy advisor Blinken has again created damaging diversity and exclusion within the ranks of the lead organization intended to promote Biden's foreign policy agenda. This month, Tony appointed Zakiya Johnson as the foreign ministry's Chief Diversion and Exclusio...
Alex Reinshagen | The Bruges Group March 19, 2024 The current US Administration (and Congress) needs to get its act together. The entire world - friends and foes alike - see how weak America is on the world stage. The United Kingdom would be correct in taking on more of a leadership role in keeping us from plummeting into WW III. Because right now,...