At a meeting on 12th November 2024 Suella Braverman had a Discussion with Frank Millard: this is a transcript. FM =Frank Millard SB Suella Braverman. FM: Thank you very much for your time Suella, it's our pleasure to be interviewing you. SB: Thank you for having me and for hosting this. It's great to be with friends and thank you for all the work y...
Reform or Revolution? This is the question. One way or another there will be no more "status quo" on our current course because: if Labour wins, we will have socialism; if things do not change, history shows there will be violence (a revolution). The parallels between the present and the French Revolution (as well as the fall of Rome) are self-evid...
It was often said about the anatomy of a bumble bee, when looked at its shape and size of wings, that they should not be able to fly, but do. There are lots of things like bumble bees that should not work but do, the House of Lords in the days before Tony Blair got his meddling mitts on it worked reasonably well. In those days the majority of membe...