It is not often one can link directly the economic and political incompetence of Monsieur Bonkers of Brussels to the cause of an ubiquitous symbol of the UK's economic decline. And we can prove cause and effect in a period spanning less than two decades. Yes, that is all it took for Monsieur Bonkers of Brussels to put the final nail in the cof...
There is a widespread misconception that in order to deal with the problem of illegal migration into the UK by migrants arriving on inflatable boats the UK has to withdraw from membership of the European Convention on Human Rights [ECHR]. Whilst withdrawing from the Convention is unnecessary, what is necessary is ensuring UK Courts do not have to f...
Still Want to Rejoin? - Read This If you want still to rejoin the EU, ask yourself after reading about nearly four decades of IMF economic data, how in the name of good judgement anyone might want to do that. For those four decades the EU has been a graveyard for UK GDP along with the r...
Have we in the UK been getting steadily poorer year-on-year over 46 years in the "European Project" [the EEC and then the EU] than if the UK had been out? What is the evidence? Remainers claim "We're better off in". But is it true? And if "We're better off out" people should know. The UK is tipped to overtake Germany and become the largest economy ...
A thought for BREXIT. Anne Widdecombe interviewed on Channel 4's 7pm news 31 January 2020 about the UK's imminent departure from the EU commented on how helpless she felt as a British Minister as law after law emerged from Brussels and how pleased she is now the UK is leaving. Its not a moment too soon. The Directives and Regulations are now ...
60+ Years of Brussels Bungled Transport Integration We've all heard the "wrong shape" banana or cucumber law stories the UK media served up in their past love-to-hate-the-EU news [which was repeatedly belatedly rebuffed by Brussels]. This is different. This is about the height of stupidity especially if, with climate change and Australia ...
Who is better at predicting: the expert or the novice or someone else? Intuitively people believe experts. But science tells us a very different story. And Brexit provides some startling evidence in support. When forecasting "... experts performed worse ... than dart-throwing monkeys" 2001 Nobel Laureate Professor Daniel Kahnemann expla...