Reform or Revolution?

This is the question. One way or another there will be no more "status quo" on our current course because: if Labour wins, we will have socialism; if things do not change, history shows there will be violence (a revolution).

The parallels between the present and the French Revolution (as well as the fall of Rome) are self-evident. There were decadent elites that controlled extortionately extractive institutions, a diluted currency (inflation due to increases in the money supply) and a working class paying more tax than those who contributed little to society at the top. Society becomes unstable and the instability leads to chaos. A clear example of current decadence is the Cambridge Dictionary changing the definition of a woman. We know what a woman is; we do not need a sick elite causing mass psychosis and infecting our society with a virus that makes us doubt reality. Thank God that "wee" Nicola Sturgeon has been booted to the curb. All of this reminds me of Animal Farm when the wording of the rules kept changing and the characters were not able to remember what the original rules were.

Now, I must declare for absolute clarity that I do not support socialism or violence, however, I will not submit to tyranny and I will do what I must. "Better dead than red." Therefore, I present to you - to the country - a third, and the only, option: Reform. The action and the party.

I joined Reform UK, after leaving the Con-Socialist ("Tory") Party, in early 2021 and I stood for the party in the Erdington By-Election 2022 - after just turning 23. It was an opportunity and an experience given to me by Richard Tice. Richard is a calm, collected and calculated man. I have the greatest level of respect for Mr Tice. Consider… he is a principled man as he is against cashless society - as am I. We are against Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). This one fact alone should be enough for you to accept that Reform UK can be trusted. We do not want control of your money - every other mainstream party does. We are against the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organisation. We are against weak, elitist-globalists.

The Central Bank and the Government (current and future ones) will not only be able to see how, why, when and what you spend your money on, but control it completely. It will be a social credit system on steroids. Rishi Sunak has been an advocate and even Steve Baker has submitted to CBDC - a true libertarian he turned out to be (sarcasm). Ask yourselves this question: why are the banks getting deregulated? Because the establishment will have control of your money anyways. When it comes to banking, Karl Marx loved the idea of fiat (worthless, usury) money in the hands of a centralized state monopoly - Labour will love CBDC more than a Wall Street banker. The banks have sent depositors letters that state that the bank will punish and restrict withdrawals of your own money if economic conditions dictate. We did not vote for this! It is your money! It is our money!

A recent example of what would happen is what happened to Nigel Farage with the de-banking scandal. That would be the tip of the iceberg.

Furthermore, remember: PayPal, Canadian Truckers, China, Covid Passports and Cancel Culture. Add in the Twitter Files and you can now see the road to serfdom and the people driving us towards that road. Either we turn off the engine and grab the wheel or we can throw them out of the moving vehicle. Former Italian Health Minister is on public trial for murder in regards to the covid vaccines. How much did our own government know? I guarantee that they knew the same. Then it will go from a covid inquiry to a covid trial.

Do not allow what has happened in recent years to happen again or be forgotten! We cannot continue to have extractive institutions along with this level of corruption, nor have this indigestible ideology (from the Cultural Marxists) that vilifies people that dare to say what is real. History shows what always happens in similar situations… Revolution! I am not calling for one, as I see violence as a last resort; I am a strong advocate of self-defense. However, on our current course, we will have a revolution. Look out for the US, Germany, France and the Netherlands. All of these nations have shown underlying tensions rising to the surface. Ireland is a clear case and point.

This country has undergone reform in the past and it must happen again. Recently, Italy and Sweden have shown the West that when people can see what is happening to their country and desire the crucial change then things can change. Both the Brothers of Italy and the Swedish Democrats have turned European politics inside out. I met the youth wings of both of these parties at the European Young Conservatives conference in Greece in September 2020. They were in another league and had belief. Reform UK can be the same.

Immigration, crime and social cohesion have gone in negative directions under our recent governments. The division was obvious to all on Remembrance Day. A day I remember my family that fought and died for not just the country, but what it stands for. However, others chose to use that day as a day to protest - which is their right to do so - and some, not all, chose to disrespect the ideas and history of this country.

Finally, I now address the people that are against tyranny… firstly, if you are still in the Tory Party, why? At the Reasoned Conference - which took place over a year ago - young members called for the Tory Party "to die" and "it's s**t!" My party stood aside for Brexit; it is time that the "Tory" Party now step aside for the country. Otherwise, it will be 2030; you will own nothing and be happy. And to those still in the Labour Party… this party has sacrificed your children's fertility by promoting this woke ideology (trans); if they allow children to consent to genital mutilation, without the parents consent, then what else can the children consent to?

It is time for Reform UK!

I am looking forward to standing in the GE for Erdington again. 

In Liberty,