By Ariane Loening on Saturday, 29 December 2018
Category: European Union

Sabotage or just a bit of mischief?

Dr.Sarah Wollaston, Conservative MP for Totnes Constituency, has launched the following as a Private Members' Bill.It has started its journey through Parliament and the 2nd reading is on 25th January.

European Union (Revocation of Notification of Withdrawal) Bill 2017 – 2019

Type of Bill: Private Members' Bill (Presentation Bill)

Sponsor: Dr.Sarah Wollaston

1st reading: House of Commons (no debate) 18.12.2018

2nd reading: House of Commons 25.01.2019

This Bill is being prepared for publication.

If the text of the Bill is not yet available, please contact its sponsor Dr. Sarah Wollaston for more information.

Summary of the European Union (Revocation of Notification of Withdrawal) Bill 2017 – 2019

A Bill to require the Prime Minister to revoke the notification under Article 50 (2) of the Treaty on European Union, of the United Kingdom's intention to withdraw from the European Union unless two conditions are met; to establish as the first condition for non-revocation that a withdrawal agreement has been approved by Parliament by 21 January 2019 or during an extension period agreed by that date under Article 50 (3) of the Treaty on European Union; to establish as the second condition for non-revocation that a majority of participating voters have voted in favour of that agreement in a referendum in which the United Kingdom remaining as a member of the European Union was the other option; and for connected purposes.