By Jack Brookes on Monday, 13 January 2025
Category: European Union

Solutions to the UK Health Crisis


The health and health care system of the United Kingdom are on life support. They need to change; they need reforming. If the UK's population is healthier and fitter, then - in a simple and proven example - the use of cars will decrease and benefit the environment in addition to enabling people to spend more on things other than fuel: aiding economic growth. In this essay, are accurate diagnoses of the problems and prescriptions (the solutions) to the health crisis.


There are three main problems: obesity; ignoring ancestral knowledge and allocation of resources (government failure and bureaucracy).

According to a recent publication by the Telegraph titled "Obesity costing the UK almost £100 billion a year" (Stephens 2023), the following conclusions can be made: billions are wasted in NHS spending; two in three people in the UK are either overweight or obese. Shockingly, the outlook is even bleaker for children. These costs to the UK economy and society can no longer be ignored. Labour's solution is another "vaccine" - most will not follow that one, again.

Our food has changed - poisoned. Observe RFK and you can see the ingredients have changed: seed oils instead of beef drippings; bread is not like it used to be either. Recent Arla milk scandal - Bill Gates and the WEF at it again. The foods our grandparents ate are just not the same as the food we eat today.

The NHS wastes millions each year: diversity equity and inclusion (DEI) manager roles is just one example amongst many. For one manager that is not needed, several additional workers could have been hired (sometimes at a ridiculous ratio) - meaning a lost opportunity in increasing productivity and reducing burnout by spreading the workload across more individuals (division of labour).


There are several solutions to the problems outlined above.

The Physical Education (PE) curriculum

School is where most individuals initially learn about health and exercise. However, the UK culture is that if an individual does not feel like participating, then they can sit it out - a weak mindset instilled into the minds of the UK's youth - implicating societal norms with long term negative externalities and consequences. The platform of Ant Middleton as a role model for our young people is gaining traction as he is seen as: strong, resilient and brave. Middleton talks about the vital necessity of mindset. Therefore, if a PE curriculum is devised that builds young people into the strongest version of themselves that they can be - mind and body - and an education in general strength and conditioning are implemented through a structured program of calisthenics, weights and cardio, then the necessary reforms to the PE curriculum will have a greater chance of success.

In addition, the PE curriculum is a matter of national security: a weak selection pool means a weak armed forces. In August 2024, I passed the Royal Marine Commando Candidate Preparation Course; having the knowledge that the only individuals in greater condition are the likes of those that possess the green beret (Royal Marines that have passed the full 32 commando course) is frightening as I am not a unique individual: my fitness standards should be the minimum or at least the average. If one looks into the criteria to get into the Army, one will see the scale of difference in criteria between the Royal Marines and the Army - with the exception of the Paras Regiment.


"Why are shoes not the shape of our feet?" This is a question that many contemplate and it has crossed the mind of Ross Edgley. Edgley is an athlete, author and the only person to swim around the British Isles; he studied at the UK's elite sports university (Loughborough University) and he is a brand ambassador for Vivo barefoot shoes. I own several pairs myself. The improvements made from wearing them are a marvel. The proven increases in foot, leg and ligament strength - as well as benefits to posture - are well-documented; people move how they are supposed to move: naturally.

Locally Sourced Food

The UK is not a food secure nation (the UK imports more food than it exports); it is essential that this problem is solved. The Dig for Victory campaign during World War II was one of the reasons that the UK did not starve. Growing food in the garden. Individual food independence makes it more difficult for any government to starve people; given the authoritarian behaviour of the Labour Government with the farmers, individual food independence will become a more prevalent idea. The policy of garden farming will appease the environmentalists because, if one grows food in their own garden then there is an elimination of the transportation element - reducing the carbon footprint. Studies have shown that if one grows their own food - reducing pesticide and Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) consumptions - then they are: harder to control; able to survive and educate their families in survival. If a homeowner does not possess the space in their garden in which to grow food then an alternative is to use allotments. A solution to more affordable, healthier and more environmentally friendly food.

Eradication of Unnatural Ingredients

RFK is President Trump's equivalent of the UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. RFK accurately points out: seed oils and other non-natural ingredients have been added to our food and they are killing us. A sick patient is a profitable patient; one that is dead or healthy is not profitable. Additionally, he is not against fast food… a tasty burger consisting of grass-fed beef between two soft freshly made sourdough bread rolls with a portion of fries cooked in beef dripping (beef tallow) is not going to kill people.

Eddie Abbew

Abbew is providing a sort of cultural awakening/revival. Abbew offers the perspective that there is - indeed - more nutrition in an egg and beef than in any vegetable. Both are super foods. They are what our ancestors ate and our ancestors survived. In an egg there are quality proteins, vitamins and minerals. Additionally, if one has chickens then they can be fed food scraps and bugs: .

Reduction in Use of Plastics

Plastic is ending up in our bodies and it is affecting our biology. Microplastics are being found in the bodies of newborn children. The solution is to return to glass bottles, paper bags and cotton clothes.

A Cycling Revolution

Cycling is the most efficient form of transportation. It is understandable that cycling is not always practical. It is the least carbon intensive form of transport. Furthermore, you won't be wasting time during your daily commute. Before covid arrived the "average daily commute in 2018 was nearly 59 minutes (both ways combined)." (TUC 2019) Commuting is time that one is not to get back plus cycling can be faster. An alternative to sitting idle in growing traffic. The financial savings from a reduction in fuel consumption will enable individuals a greater opportunity to save and invest - giving a boost to local economies. The Netherlands had a cycling revolution… Why not the UK? An affordable solution is a restoration of the UK canals - this would provide an additional opportunity to improve the skills of our young people and build some local community pride - and restore a part of the UK's cultural heritage. The challenge with this policy is to make cycling an attractive option without hindering the motorist.

Fighting the Bureaucracy

The UK needs to cut out management that is not needed, saving the taxpayer money. These resources can be allocated to sports facilities. The health of the UK does not just include the National Health Service (NHS) outdoor gyms and courts, sports centres)?


In conclusion, UK parties' policies will not completely solve the issues facing the health of the nation. Only Reform UK's policy of the voucher system will aid in a more efficient health service because it will open up access to competitive healthcare without income being an issue - but it is not the entirety of the solution. The solutions outlined above are practical, affordable and tested; "Prevention is better than cure" philosophy.

If obesity alone is reduced or defeated, via the solutions mentioned, then the results would be: billions of pounds saved, through reduction in taxation and costs (individual and external); a more productive economy as the number of sick days would be reduced and fewer individuals would likely be on benefits due to the health benefits such as simply using a bike to commute to work; a boost to economic growth because of the allocation of fuel money to consumption of other goods and services in the local economy; cleaner environment due to increase use of public transport, walking and cycling.

Individuals are living longer, however, they must start living healthier. This can be achieved through education, infrastructure projects and reallocation of resources; without the need to further increase government spending and taxation. The UK economy is not working. People need to work, but they can only work if they are in relatively reasonable health.


Stephens, Max. 2023. "Obesity costing Britain's economy almost £100bn a year." The Telegraph.

TUC. 2019. "Annual commuting time is up 21 hours." Annual commuting time is up 21 hours.