By Barry Legg on Tuesday, 10 July 2018
Category: European Union

Statement by Barry Legg - Chairman of the Bruges Group

 Contact your Member of Parliament

Theresa May has decided to pursue a policy of Brexit in name only (BRINO). This arrangement will be worse than our current membership of the European Union as we will then be a vassal state.

If this policy is implemented the electoral consequences for the Conservative Party will be dire. I urge all members of the Bruges Group to contact their Conservative Member of Parliament if they are represented by one to explain that this is unacceptable. The decision of the British people to leave the European Union must be honoured. In many cases an appeal to a Member of Parliament`s self-interest is the most effective way of influencing him or her.

Next week on Wednesday evening we have a meeting at 7 o`clock at the ROSL with Nigel Dodds, leader of the DUP in the House of Commons, and Professor Patrick Minford. Patrick has an unapparelled knowledge and understanding of the huge economic benefits that are to be gained by leaving the European Union. Nigel Dodds, as Leader of the DUP, is the most influential figure at Westminster as his Party holds the balance of power. I hope that you will be able to attend this meeting to hear these outstanding speakers and give your views at this critical time for our country.

Barry Legg
Chairman of the Bruges Group