By Ethan Thoburn on Tuesday, 08 October 2019
Category: European Union

The Facts About Brexit

Authors: Ethan Thoburn, and Charles Wynne 

There are plenty of people talking about no deal Brexit at the moment and with Boris Johnson looking ever more likely to deliver that, we at The Bruges Group thought we would put together sort of a fact sheet on No Deal and how it won't leave us on a so called cliff edge as lots of the media like to think.

Let's start with some pro-Brexit, no-deal supporting facts which aren't always pointed out by the mainstream media:

Now What's So Good About No Deal?

Why It's Time To Go

We will leave you with some points made by prominent Remainers and Second Referendum supporters:

Finally, the recent videos circulating social media of Brexiteers being called "Nazi scum" "fascists" "anti-democrats" and even been verbally or physically assaulted; a sad predicament considering this week (at the time of writing) marks the anniversary that Germany invaded Poland in 1939. True tyranny, fascism and oppressors, unfortunately the word "fascist" and "Nazi" are banded about far too freely these days and the true meaning of the word and those that perished at the hands of these evil humans is somewhat lost.