By Derek Bennett on Wednesday, 14 April 2021
Category: European Union

Travelling Through Time

The main character and inventor in the H.G. Wells book, 'The time Machine', decided to travel through time to 800,000 years into the future looking for a period without conflict. If I was given the opportunity to travel through time it would be into the past as the future looks increasingly to be a very unpleasant place to be. The way things are going the future will be far left, woke and an absurdly politically correct place. The past is still known and you can choose the times you know would be pleasant to live in.

I might choose to return to the 1950's when the United Kingdom was a unified country, long before devolution and very proud of the fact it had won the Second World War, which was only a few years in the past. Winston Churchill, unlike today with persistent illogical attacks on his character, was a hero who everyone thanked for seeing them through those desperate days fighting the evil of Nazi Germany. One of the Prime Ministers who followed Churchill was Harold Macmillan who told the nation, "You have never had it so good", he was right, Britain was rebuilding and booming. Manufacturing was at a high, people were encouraged to set up in business, they were buying their own cars and homes, T.V was available and when ITV started the viewers had the luxury of choosing which of the two channels on offer they wanted to watch. The BBC in those days still followed Lord Reith's diktat to: 'inform, educate, entertain' and, unlike today, its presenters spoke the Queen's English perfectly.

If you chose to live in the sixties things were changing, society was finding new freedoms, pop music blossomed and people began to travel more, including abroad on foreign holidays to the Continent. There were no speed cameras to zap young tearaway drivers like me, at that time, zooming around in my sports cars and freedom blossomed. However, the trades unions began to gain power and influence and the looney left began to rise so by the time we went into the 1970's they were running town halls like little Soviets and with the unions out of control the freedom of the 1960's began to fade. We were on the path to the madness that drives today's society with political correctness gone so mad, so much so women who give birth are being told to "chestfeed" their infants with "chestmilk", among far too many other lunatic political correctness ideas.

Oh, for those far off days when we were proud to be British, proud of the fact we had an Empire that the sun never set on and pride in the wonderful things we invented and created. Unlike today when, if you show pride in the country of your birth you are considered to be a racist, a nasty nationalist and in need to be reformed by unconscious bias training to realise what a nasty and unpleasant person you really are, even though your family and true friends would not agree with that politically correct and woke diagnosis. I, personally, do not need unconscious bias training, I know exactly what I am biased against which is all this left wing political correct madness.

Nigel Farage has stood down from politics and declared he now intends to fight against the woke madness that blights our lives. The actor, Laurence Fox, has also decided to campaign against political correctness and is standing for election to replace Sadiq Khan as the London Mayor. If Khan is defeated that will, hopefully, mean many of London's fine statues will not be taken down just because the person they depict lived in a period of history that the soulless politically correct campaigners wish to airbrush out of existence. Many will agree with both Nigel and Laurence Fox, it is time the silent majority began to speak out. No one wants to deliberately offend others, but sometimes if you are to be honest and speak your mind which others may find offensive, so be it, you have to have the freedom to speak out and others the freedom to oppose you and maybe even offend you for your thoughts - that is what freedom is about.

This is the way great ideas and progress are made, without the freedom to oppose others and create offence where necessary all that is left is a stagnating society with people living in fear in an Orwellian society, too afraid to speak out against a political correct tyranny. Speak out and be free and travel through time to a brighter future.