By Colin Bullen on Wednesday, 22 December 2021
Category: European Union

Universities Challenged

Every time I sit down to write an article I feel like the main character in the 1993 film 'Groundhog Day', who was doomed to repeat the same day time and time again, as I must keep returning to the same issues, not because I wish to, but because nothing has changed, and not to take up the cudgels would be to grant victory to our enemies. I am sure that those intelligent enough to read the Bruges Group blog are already convinced by the arguments put forward, but they must continue to be made. In this I find myself in the company of many sensible political columnists, who are also returning to these subjects time and again.

The most significant matters upon which the future of this country depends remain, inter alia: the necessity to turn back the tide of political correctness which is allowing the Thought Police to become a reality; the objective to stop the lunatics of the Green movement from destroying our way of life in the name of an unproven theory; the defeat of the Marxists who seek to subvert a genuine desire to end racial inequality through their use of a undemocratic, and anti Semitic, political movement; the removal of the liberal elite whose loyalties lie with our enemies; the need to honour the result of the EU referendum.

This time I am concentrating on the cesspit into which our universities have fallen, where free speech and debate are being overridden by leftist fascists, who are determined that any views opposing their own must not be allowed to be voiced.

One major university which is at the epicentre of a political storm is Durham. Professor Tim Luckhurst, Principal of South College, is being investigated by university authorities about a speech given by Spectator columnist Rod Liddle on the theme of tolerating other people’s points of view. A small number of students walked-out of the event, an action which Professor Luckhurst called pathetic. Students complained about being “hurt” by Rod Liddle’s words, although they hadn’t actually listened to him, and the university then started a formal investigation into Professor Luckhurst, and banned him from engaging with students, including a planned talk in favour of free speech at the Durham Union.

This pathetic bunch of so called students have threatened a rent strike unless Professor Tim Luckhurst is ousted, and have said that “nothing is off the table” in terms of their tactics, suggesting that they will submit mass requests to transfer out of South College unless Luckhurst is fired. One student said: “Students aren’t giving up this fight because they are yet to feel safe again in South College. We won’t rest until we feel safe in our homes.” Following the talk, the presidents of Durham student associations called for “content warnings” ahead of future guest lectures, and hundreds of students protested and gave speeches demanding Luckhurst’s resignation. One wonders what from what sort of background these gutless wimps have emerged if they don’t feel ‘safe’ hearing a speech about the need for toleration of all points of view, as they retire to their rooms, no doubt in tears, over someone daring to suggest that free speech is a fundamental right. They clearly have absolutely no idea of what the real world is like if they think that listening to a different view to their own is somehow dangerous.

Perhaps they might like to think about inmates at Auschwitz who, on hearing screams one night, found that the Germans having run low on poison gas, were throwing small children directly into the ovens to be burnt to death. Think about what those children, true innocents suffered, and their little lives ending in such horror! The feeble inadequates at Durham seeking to destroy free speech should consider the real terrors in the world, before cowering from the views of others. Their threat to leave their courses should be enthusiastically seized upon, and they should be thrown out of the university immediately, as they clearly have no idea of the real function of a university, which should be opening minds, and encouraging debate, rather than closing it down. However at least thirteen of the university’s college principals have issued statements expressing sympathy with the student protestors, one saying that she stood in “solidarity with all those targeted in Rod Liddle’s speech”, while four departments have backed student demonstrators. Obviously it is not only the contemptible students who should be on the first train home!

The Durham branch of the University and College Union called for the University “to consider the full range of appropriate disciplinary action”, claiming that Professor Luckhurst had not “addressed the behaviour of his wife”, who was filmed remonstrating with students after Liddle’s speech, one of whom had called her a “bitch”. This Union supposedly represents lecturers, administrators, researchers, librarians, computing staff and postgraduates employed in teaching or related duties, which speaks volumes about the current lamentable state of universities.

The Wolfson College Student Association (WCSA) at Cambridge has instigated a witch-hunt after several students leaked images of compulsory “anti-racism” training to the media. The mandatory training included the standard woke rubbish about Britain being a cesspit of ‘white supremacy’, ‘microaggressions’ to be reported to the university authorities, heteronormative students needing to do ‘the work’ to become ‘allies’ of trans students, etc., etc. The president of the WCSA said the leakers wanted “to sow division, uncertainty, and distrust amongst their peers” and that it was “frankly cowardly” to defy the Association. Well how dare anyone resist their diktats! What this hunt for heretics proves is that a student mob, not the college authorities are now in charge.

Unfortunately the undermining of higher education seems to be prevalent throughout the English speaking world. In the USA they have begone beyond parody, and are wrecking their society, while even what was once regarded as staid old New Zealand is infected. Professor Garth Cooper of Auckland university, and colleagues, signed an open letter opposing the introduction of Maori mythology into science lessons. The Vice-Chancellor of the University initially said the letter had caused “caused considerable hurt and dismay among our staff, students and alumni”, although she has now stated that “our seven academics were free to express their views on Maori mythology and science. Others in our community were free to disagree, and to present the logic of their objections. There is no contradiction in the University’s support for the rights of our academics to disagree on matters that can be considered controversial, while at the same time acknowledging and being respectful in any debate that might follow”. A common-sense reaction for once!

The spread of this fascist ideology is also undermining the Open University, whose Professor Jo Phoenix has resigned after being “harassed and vilified” by her colleagues over her gender critical views, including being compared to a “racist uncle at Christmas”. She said: “The university has allowed things to escalate to a point beyond repair. My trust and heart have been broken.” She launched an employment tribunal case against the university, stating that it had failed to protect her from a campaign of “vicious bullying” by those who opposed her views, including her position that male-bodied prisoners should not be in female prison, and her criticism of Stonewall’s influence in universities, opinions which I have no doubt are shared by the vast majority of ordinary people.

When my wife was at Manchester University in the 1960s the students frequently held sit-ins and demonstrations about a variety of issues, but they did not attempt to close down debate, and certainly did not have a fit of the vapours at the thought that their views might be open to question. The question now must be why are the hard working taxpayers of this country subsidising thousands of imbecilic cretins infesting these institutions, both as students and staff? We need science graduates, and a limited number of those from valid humanity subjects, but we could save millions by returning the universities to the size they were sixty years ago, and sacking large numbers of the parasitic Maoist morons masquerading as lecturers.