By John Smith on Friday, 17 September 2021
Category: European Union

Why Businesses Should Invest in Professional Audio-Visual Equipment for the Office

 Why All Businesses Need Pro Audio-Visual Equipment in the Office

Do you run meetings from the office that include your remote workers or contractors? How do you connect your in-house team with your remote team? If you're a small business, you probably have someone from the team create a Zoom meeting with their laptop.

This can work, since it allows remote people to at least hear what's going on during a small meeting. However, the audio from a laptop is usually poor and calling in isn't much better. When workers can't clearly hear what goes on in a team meeting, they'll miss important information that can affect their performance.

In addition to audio issues, a single laptop on a conference table won't give remote workers a good view of the room. They'll be stuck watching a few people the entire time and nobody will be able to see them. If the laptop is placed at the head of the table, nobody will be easy to see.

The solution is to get a professional audio-visual setup in your meeting room(s). A professional setup will ensure everyone is seen and heard with high-quality video and audio.

Installing audio-visual equipment is easy
You don't need to have any knowledge or technical skills to get a professional, interactive audiovisual meeting system. All you need is a local company that performs installations.

6 reasons to avoid self-installations
While you can buy individual components online like monitors, microphones, and lights, it's better left to the pros.

1. Audio-visual equipment isn't plug-and-play
Sound, video, and lighting aren't skills you can pick up intuitively or quickly by watching a tutorial. For instance, sound takes dedication and practice to get right. You can have the best equipment in the world, but if it's not set up correctly, it won't work.

A professional will select the right equipment for your needs, install the equipment, and adjust it to ensure that it functions properly.

2. You won't know what to buy
Professionals know exactly what to buy for your setup. For example, you might only need a TV mount on a swivel, a flat screen monitor, and a couple of bouncers to help with your existing light. Or, you might need a light tree, several bouncers, some color correction filters, and an external microphone.

If your space is large, you'll probably need a separate video camera or two cameras strategically placed in the room to capture the entire area.

Without experience with the equipment, it's impossible to know exactly what equipment you need. A professional will analyze your space and determine what you need and you won't have to guess.

3. You'll probably spend too much money
Audio-visual equipment isn't cheap. There are varying tiers of equipment you can get, and sometimes high-end equipment is necessary. However, that's not always the case. Sometimes a cheap $10 lavalier microphone will work perfectly, and there's no need to invest $300 in a high-end lavalier mic.

Without industry experience, it's hard to tell when cheap equipment will suffice and when you actually need something high-end. Without industry experience, you're more likely to be persuaded into buying high-end equipment you don't really need.

4. Connecting an audio-visual system isn't easy
Have you ever experienced problems getting plug-and-play devices to work? It happens often. Imagine trying to set up a system that requires connecting a TV monitor, video cameras, microphones, and lights. You might need to hard-wire the equipment, which takes an electrician. It's not going to be easy.

An industry expert will know how to set up your system and troubleshoot any problems along the way. They'll make sure the wiring is done correctly and professionally, they'll pull the right permits, and you won't have to lift a finger.

5. It's easier to hire someone to do the work
Even if you could do the work yourself, why would you? It's much easier to pay someone else to do the work. Audio-visual installers enjoy what they do – it's why they took the job. They're experts in the field, they have experience, and they enjoy creating solutions for their clients.

6. You might not know where to install the equipment
Where should you install your monitor? In the corner, on the short wall, or on the long wall? Facing the door, or facing the end of the room? If you're not a professional, you won't know the pros and cons related to positioning your equipment.

Professional audio-visual installation is a wise investment
Give your remote employees and contractors a better, more inclusive experience with remote meetings. Whether you broadcast your meetings over Zoom, Skype, or any other software, professional equipment will make all the difference.