Brexit means Brexit?

The speakers are;
Rt Hon. Priti Patel MP, Secretary of State for International Development 2016 - 2017, described May's proposal as a 'hokey cokey' Brexit plan and warned that it wil cost the Conservative Party support.
Rt Hon. Owen Paterson MP, Secretary of State from 2010 to 2014, when discussing Chequers said “We have been lied to”. It “breaks Manifesto commitments... We will not be able to vote to support any of this. This has to be stopped”.
Andrea Jenkyns MP, Andrea resigned her role as a Minister's PPS to fight for Brexit and asked Theresa May “Can the Prime Minister inform the House, at what point it was decided that Brexit means Remain?”

Lyttelton Lecture Theatre
Birmingham & Midland Institute
Margaret Street
Birmingham B3 3BS
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