By Robert Oulds on Thursday, 01 December 2022
Category: European Union

Mark Francois at Conference: How to solve the protocol issue

The Bruges Group had the pleasure of hearing from the distinguished Mark Francois, Chair of the European Research Group and MP for Rayleigh and Wickford - a longtime advocate of Brexit with a significant impact on the UK's direction in Europe, at The Bruges Group's Conference in October. His bestselling book, Spartan Victory, was an insider's account of the impact the ERG had on securing Brexit.

Speaking on the Northern Ireland Protocol (NIP), he shared how the deliberations that resulted in the NIP 'often felt like' trench warfare, and that the Conservatives made sure to include the vital caveat that the Northern Ireland Protocol would be a temporary measure. Discussing Article 38,he emphasised how the NIP could be superseded by new arrangements if necessary. He criticised the way the EU side was approaching the Northern Ireland Protocol and noted the Protocol's lack of support in the Unionist community.

Mr Francois also spoke of the importance of cross-party consent in discussing Northern Ireland affairs.