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Tel. +44 (0)20 7287 4414
The Bruges Group spearheaded the intellectual battle to win a vote to leave the European Union and, above all, against the emergence of a centralised EU state.
The Bruges Group spearheaded the intellectual battle to win a vote to leave the European Union and, above all, against the emergence of a centralised EU state.

Bruges Group Blog

Spearheading the intellectual battle against the EU. And for new thinking in international affairs.

Are Brexiteer MPs Happy?

[pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][pb_heading el_title="Article Title" tag="h4" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]Would a post-Brexit UK be better able to sign free trade agreements with the rest of the world?[/pb_heading][pb_heading el_title="Author" tag="h5" div_...

  6334 Hits


[pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][pb_heading el_title="Article Sub Title" tag="h4" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]Let us look at this prayer line by line[/pb_heading][pb_heading el_title="Author" tag="h5" div_margin_bottom="15" text_align="inherit" font="inheri...

  6159 Hits

For Family Businesses

[pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][pb_heading el_title="Article Sub Title" tag="h5" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]A level playing field for small, medium and family businesses[/pb_heading][pb_heading el_title="Date" tag="h6" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]21st April 2016[/pb_heading][pb_divider el_title="Divider 1" div_margin_bottom="30" div_border_width="2" div_border_style="solid" div_border_color="#0151a1" appearing_animation="0" ][/pb_divider][/pb_column][/pb_row][pb_row ][pb_column span="span3"][pb_image el_title="Article Image if required DELETE Column if not required" image_file="images/smallbusinesseu.jpg" image_alt="Type text for SEO (example Bruges Group : Image Title)" image_size="fullsize" link_type="no_link" image_container_style="no-styling" image_alignment="inherit" appearing_animation="0" ][/pb_image][/pb_column][pb_column span="span9"][pb_text el_title="Article Text" width_unit="%" enable_dropcap="no" appearing_animation="0" ]

A vote to leave will give us more say over our economy. It is an opportunity to have:
●  Fair taxation, end big business tax avoidance by restoring national control
●  A level playing field for small and medium sized businesses
●  Bolster small businesses
●  Support entrepreneurship
●  Accountable British people helping to make the regulations, not a faceless bureaucrat in Brussels
●  Global trading, better opportunities to open up global markets
●  Access to the single market without our economy being dominated by those countries who make policies in the name of Europe what they will not ask for themselves

[/pb_text][pb_button el_title="PDF Link : Delete this component if it is not required" button_text="View leaflet" link_type="url" button_type_url="/images/pdfs/smallbusinessessandeu.pdf" open_in="new_browser" button_alignment="inherit" button_size="btn-sm" button_color="btn-primary" appearing_animation="0" ][/pb_button][pb_button el_title="PDF Link : Delete this component if it is not required 2" button_text="Order now" link_type="url" button_type_url="/shop/leaflets" open_in="new_browser" button_alignment="inherit" button_size="btn-sm" button_color="btn-success" appearing_animation="0" ][/pb_button][/pb_column][/pb_row][pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][/pb_column][/pb_row]


Have you always wanted to travel but can't because your boss says you don't have the time? Perhaps it's time to consider working for yourself. You can form an LLC from anywhere. For example, if you live in texas, you might consider forming a texas llc.

  7172 Hits

The decline and fall of the BBC

[pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][pb_heading el_title="Article Sub Title" tag="h5" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]Protect our defence and security – Vote to Leave the EU[/pb_heading][pb_heading el_title="Date" tag="h6" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]21st April 2016[/pb_heading][pb_divider el_title="Divider 1" div_margin_bottom="30" div_border_width="2" div_border_style="solid" div_border_color="#0151a1" appearing_animation="0" ][/pb_divider][/pb_column][/pb_row][pb_row ][pb_column span="span3"][pb_image el_title="Article Image if required DELETE Column if not required" image_file="images/defenceandeu.jpg" image_alt="Type text for SEO (example Bruges Group : Image Title)" image_size="fullsize" link_type="no_link" image_container_style="no-styling" image_alignment="inherit" appearing_animation="0" ][/pb_image][/pb_column][pb_column span="span9"][pb_text el_title="Article Text" width_unit="%" enable_dropcap="no" appearing_animation="0" ]

According to Colonel Richard Kemp Britain would be forced to join an EU army within five to 10 years if people vote to Remain in the EU.

“An EU army is inevitable. As the EU has declared, it is moving to ever closer union,  it intends to become a fully fledged superstate. That’s the plan.”

“We would essentially be giving up our right to sovereign self-defence. Control of the EU army would not rest with us but in a collective EU decision.”

“There would never be consensus for an EU military operation  to retake the Falklands. It could not happen.”

  5699 Hits

Barney Reynolds: Treasury Select Committee on the UK's Economic and Trading Relationship with the EU

[pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][pb_heading el_title="Article Title" tag="h4" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]A look at what can be once we are free[/pb_heading][pb_heading el_title="Author" tag="h5" div_margin_bottom="15" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" bo...

  6148 Hits

Less than a month before the deadline, good Brexit news continues

[pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][pb_heading el_title="Article Sub Title" tag="h4" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]This is a briefing supporting the 'How the EU makes you poor' leaflet. The briefing gives you, the activist, the arguments to use and back-up infor...

  6226 Hits

As Thick As Two Short Planks

[pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][pb_heading el_title="Article Sub Title" tag="h4" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]EU referendum Opinion Poll[/pb_heading][pb_heading el_title="Author" tag="h5" div_margin_bottom="15" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bot...

  6103 Hits

Unelected Brussels Will Never Stop Making Law - Because Its What They Are Paid Handsomely to Do

[pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][pb_heading el_title="Article Sub Title" tag="h4" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]Britain is Better Off Out[/pb_heading][pb_heading el_title="Author" tag="h5" div_margin_bottom="15" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bott...

  6574 Hits

All at Sea

[pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][pb_heading el_title="Article Sub Title" tag="h4" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]Basic critical facts on the EU/Eurozone[/pb_heading][pb_heading el_title="Author" tag="h5" div_margin_bottom="15" text_align="inherit" font="inheri...

  5777 Hits

A Longer Brexit Transition is Pointless, Dangerous, and Plays Straight into Mr Barnier’s Hands

[pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][pb_heading el_title="Article Sub Title" tag="h4" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]Defending Europe's pluralism and diversity[/pb_heading][pb_heading el_title="Author" tag="h5" div_margin_bottom="15" text_align="inherit" font="inh...

  7129 Hits

A strong statement of intent

[pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][pb_heading el_title="Article Sub Title" tag="h4" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]The Sun and Climate Change [/pb_heading][pb_heading el_title="Author" tag="h5" div_margin_bottom="15" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bo...

  5758 Hits

Prof. Tim Congdon: 2020 Could See the Highest Peacetime US Money Growth

[pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][pb_heading el_title="Article Sub Title" tag="h4" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]The emergence of a political and cultural crisis[/pb_heading][pb_heading el_title="Author" tag="h5" div_margin_bottom="15" text_align="inherit" fon...

  5968 Hits

Time for the Kissing to Stop

[pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][pb_heading el_title="Article Sub Title" tag="h4" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]British identity and tradition[/pb_heading][pb_heading el_title="Author" tag="h5" div_margin_bottom="15" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border...

  5977 Hits

Brexit Done - Bar the Shouting?

[pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][pb_heading el_title="Article Title" tag="h4" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]David Cameron to adopt EU plan for second-class membership[/pb_heading][pb_heading el_title="Author" tag="h5" div_margin_bottom="15" text_align="inheri...

  6131 Hits

Sturgeon's Desperate Bid to Beg von der Leyen for EU Membership

[pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][pb_heading el_title="Article Title" tag="h4" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]The positive future for a UK outside the EU[/pb_heading][pb_heading el_title="Author" tag="h5" div_margin_bottom="15" text_align="inherit" font="inheri...

  5822 Hits

High Roller Casinos UK: Everything You Need to Know

[pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][pb_heading el_title="Article Title" tag="h4" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]The positive future for a UK outside the EU[/pb_heading][pb_heading el_title="Author" tag="h5" div_margin_bottom="15" text_align="inherit" font="inheri...

  5950 Hits

Investment Outlook After Brexit

[pb_row ][pb_column span="span12"][pb_heading el_title="Event Sub Title" tag="h4" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" border_bottom_style="solid" border_bottom_color="#000000" appearing_animation="0" ]An address and question time with Professor Bernd Lucke MEP[/pb_heading][pb_heading el_title="Date" tag="h5" text_align="inherit" font="inherit" bord...

  6217 Hits

Contact us

Director : Robert Oulds
Tel: 020 7287 4414
Chairman: Barry Legg
The Bruges Group
246 Linen Hall, 162-168 Regent Street
London W1B 5TB
United Kingdom
Founder President :
The Rt Hon. the Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven LG, OM, FRS 
Vice-President : The Rt Hon. the Lord Lamont of Lerwick,
Chairman: Barry Legg
Director : Robert Oulds MA, FRSA
Washington D.C. Representative : John O'Sullivan CBE
Founder Chairman : Lord Harris of High Cross
Head of Media: Jack Soames