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The Bruges Group spearheaded the intellectual battle to win a vote to leave the European Union and, above all, against the emergence of a centralised EU state.
The Bruges Group spearheaded the intellectual battle to win a vote to leave the European Union and, above all, against the emergence of a centralised EU state.

Bruges Group Blog

Spearheading the intellectual battle against the EU. And for new thinking in international affairs.

Amazing Kitchen Décor Ideas You Should Try In Your Home

The trend in kitchen décor now is creating customized spaces that are functional and aesthetic, and display your preferred style. Some people like vintage-style décor with some modern elements thrown in. Others prefer a completely modern look with sleek, smooth lines and sophisticated accessories. Whether you are into traditional décor or prefer a ...

  1808 Hits

For Whom the Bell Tolls - Democracy, It Tolls for Thee

The short-lived Truss government came to power with a mandate to change Britain. She fought her campaign clearly stating her policy. She was lawfully elected according to the rules. Her policy was designed to produce growth. Cutting taxes was a part of the program. The respected US Tax Foundation in its 2020 report on UK tax wrote: "All things bein...

  2518 Hits

Tax Anomalies, Cowards and Encouraging Cheating

A competent Conservative Government would have rectified the anomaly of taxable income between £100,000 and £125,140 being subject to an effective tax rate of 60%. It is clearly anomalous for the effective tax rate to rise from 40% to 60% on income in this band and then fall to 40% on income between £125,141 and £150,000 before rising to 45% on inc...

  2075 Hits

Can the Turncoats Turn Back?

The UK faces problems, problems that to a great degree are the fault of the political and financial establishment. There is no point in blaming every ill on Covid and Ukraine indeed it is only to the latter crisis that the establishment response has been sure footed. Otherwise, the failures are legion. Brexit has not been fully implemente...

  2275 Hits

5 Tips To Fix A THC Vape Pen Battery That Won't Charge

THC vape pens have become a popular cannabis consumption tool since the development of vaping technology. They offer discrete, comfortable, and convenient means to inhale vaporized cannabinoids. These devices are typically pocket-sized and battery-operated, allowing users to control the device's temperature to obtain desired results. A THC vape pen...

  50966 Hits

UK Sports Betting Industry Continuing to Boom

Over the past couple of decades, the sports betting industry has boomed worldwide and, in few countries, has it enjoyed the level of success that it has in the UK. Famously, the general British public enjoy placing a punt on a sporting outcome but the advent of accessible betting through online gaming platforms, has completely transformed the marke...

  2132 Hits

The Thought Police are Here

I was raised to consider the police to be the friends of ordinary people, there to protect us from criminals and thugs. As a youngster I found this to be true and later, as an adult I met many policemen, when playing in teams against them, at various sports, such as golf, tennis, squash, football etc. Now retired I know a number of retired officers...

  4199 Hits

Why Do The Prices Of Half Pound Of Weed Vary On Different Sites?

Like any other product, the prices of half a pound of weed vary on different sites. This can be attributed to several factors, such as the product's quality, the seller's location, and the demand for the product. This blog post will explore why the prices of a half pound of weed vary on different sites. Here's Why The Prices Of Half Pound Of Weed V...

  1603 Hits

Don’t Kill the Goose that Lays the Golden Egg

One of the less-endearing qualities of the Conservative and Unionist Party (and I speak as a life-long Conservative voter), is the lemming-like compulsion to immediate change leader if things appear not to be going their way. 'Throwing out the baby with the bathwater' appears to be the inevitable jerk reaction by some MPs, regardless of the value o...

  2133 Hits

10 Things You Need to Know Before Getting Married

Getting married is exciting. But it's important to make sure you're ready for this momentous event. Just because you are in love with someone now doesn't mean they will make for a good long-term partner. So before you tie the knot, here are some things you should know: 1. Your spouse isn't going to complete you.A lot of people enter a marriage expe...

  3032 Hits


The great war time leader, Winston Churchill, once said: "democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried". he was seldom wrong in his political thinking, a sound working democracy ensures tyrants and despots do not have the chance to come to power. Sadly, through history and events today, there have been ...

  2115 Hits

What is Cryptocurrency and How Does it Work?

Cryptocurrencies are digital finances that have almost the same application as traditional money but are less widespread among the masses. The principal focus of crypto is made on investment and trading. They are also used for paying for services and goods; you can book travel tickets, accommodation, etc. using crypto if the service company allows ...

  2236 Hits

Democracy Under Threat

Democracy is in serious trouble. Before Trump was sworn in, many Democrats took to the streets to protest. 'He is not my president' was their battle cry. The American people were presented with a choice between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump. They had to elect one of them and the majority chose Trump. For democracy to function there must be loser ...

  2253 Hits

When To Replace Your Old Water Heater?

Water heaters are usually an imperative part of every home. It offers warm and hot water whenever needed. But, what happens if something goes wrong and it requires replacement? One question that every homeowner has in mind, in this case, is "after how long should you replace a water heater". Well, you will need to replace it after every 8-12 years,...

  1999 Hits

The Monarchy

The final lines of G K Chesterton’s poem “The People of England” are “We are the people of England; and we have not spoken yet. Smile at us, pay us, pass us. But do not quite forget.”. The period of mourning, and the magnificent funeral, of our beloved late Queen have shown that these words are not empty, but reveal the truth. Despite years of hectoring by the intellectual Left, whose domination of the media, particularly the BBC, has given the impression that their view of the world is the only acceptable one, and that to be what they describe as socially progressive represents the only virtue, the ordinary citizens of this country have shown that they have not changed, and that, when the chips are down, they are as patriotic as those who endured, and won, two World Wars in order that freedom and democracy might survive.

The true British spirit of those days, as portrayed in the great war films of the 1950s, such as “The Dambusters”, “Reach for the Sky”, and “The Cruel Sea” , shows a people with grit, and determination, using both the shield of freedom, and the sword of righteousness, to defeat evil regimes seeking to destroy democratic civilisation. They are far removed from the vociferous, carping, and ignorant, left wing activists, who claim to seek a socialist Utopia, but in fact would plunge this country in a dystopia as envisaged by Orwell in 1984, where humour and laughter do not exist, only a grim pursuit of power for themselves. What a contrast to the smiling face of Queen Elizabeth!

In the last words that Holmes ever addresses to Watson he says “Good old Watson! You are the one fixed point in a changing world”, and this is something that could also be said about our much mourned Queen Elizabeth II. She was never afraid of innovation, and was instrumental in transforming the monarchy to adjust to the modern world, yet in those matters which abide, and are truly important, she was steadfast. As the last significant link to the great Second World War generation she represented duty, courage, faithfulness, humour, and a stoic endurance of the worst, in order that the best should ultimately triumph. To use the words of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, in the eponymous play, she was “as constant as the Northern Star”, and contrary to the speech of Antony from the same source “The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.”, the good that she did will survive, as her son takes on the mantle she has now laid aside.

Thanks to our careers in the administrative sector of the Church my wife and I had the honour of meeting Her Majesty at the time of the Silver Jubilee, and later attending a palace garden party, and we can attest to the fact that she was expert at putting people at their ease, and showing an interest in their lives. She was a truly great lady, a devout Christian, and an example to all in how to behave.

Although we shall never see her like again the new King is cut from the same cloth, and offers a certain hope that her legacy will continue. The monarch, by standing about the political fray, provides a calm centre to our national life, preventing by their very presence the possibility of any sort of demagogue becoming a dictator, or some democratic, but divisive figure, becoming President.

Constitutional monarchy has been shown to be the best system yet devised to protect the rights of all, providing a template for governance which billions around the word envy. Who could believe that a President Edward Heath, Tony Blair, or even Boris Johnson, could unite the nation, and command the love and respect that the monarch enjoys?

In the face of the blandishments of the vociferous republicans we should indeed be foolish to throw out an institution which has served us so well, although there is one danger which could yet destroy it. Should, God Forbid, through a terrorist attack, or a simple plane accident, anything happen to the Prince of Wales and his family, we should be faced with the prospect of the Duke of Woke becoming King. Harry has shown himself to be courageous, and supportive of injured soldiers, but he is unfortunately also, just like Edward VIII, not very intelligent. He has fallen under the influence of one who is herself the product of the shallow, celebrity culture of Hollywood, and who seems to be obsessed with the idea that she is somehow oppressed, even when living in a vast mansion. His accession would be unacceptable to vast numbers of people, who are sick of being lectured on their supposed shortcomings by the woke. In addition, although never convicted of anything, the Duke of York, next in line if the Sussexes were excluded, would also be rejected by too many for him to inherit the throne. If it were constitutionally possible these two parts of the royal family should be removed from the line of succession, in order to safeguard the future of the monarchy

Two more truths can be derived from the events of this month.

The first is that the Armed Forces, despite the efforts of too many administration to downgrade their importance, remain the same disciplined organisations they always were, responding triumphantly to the demands put upon them . The bearer party of Grenadier Guards were superb, and all deserve medals, while the faultless performance of the troops on the day was breathtaking to behold.

The second is that, in an age when useless managers infest so many of our public, and indeed, private bodies, the skills of the Duke of Norfolk, shown in his organisation of everything, put such parasites to shame.

The Queen has gone. God save the King.

  2858 Hits

Déjà Vu and a Confected Crisis

An energy crisis hit world economies and after almost three years the pain exploded in most countries. The exception was the USA. Acting pro-actively President Reagan slashed regulation to free the economy. He fired over 11,000 striking air traffic controllers. Breaking the strike. An action Paul Volcker saw as a 'watershed' moment in the battle ag...

  2140 Hits

Climate - CO2 Nature’s Gift, by Jeremy Nieboer, 88 pages, Bruges Group, 2022

Jeremy Nieboer wrote the excellent 'Climate: all is well, all will be well', published by the Bruges Group in 2021. His new book is another thought-provoking contribution to the debate about climate change. The author, a retired lawyer, forensically examines the scientific evidence about CO2. He shows that CO2 is essential to all life on Earth. Car...

  2640 Hits

HeatON-Harris to Deliver on Protocol - The Union is Under Threat

The appointment of Chris-Heaton Harris as the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland was greeted warmly by unionists, ever hopeful that at long last we would have a Secretary of State who cared as much about protecting the rights of unionists as those of nationalists. Moreover, there was a great hope that this UK Government would break with the sy...

  3573 Hits

The Freedom Zone: Freedom Unleashed, 3-4 October

This coming Conference week, The Bruges Group will be hosting the Freedom Zone, from Monday 3rd to Tuesday 4th October. Join us at the Birmingham & Midland Institute, just an 8 minute walk away from the International Convention Centre, where the Party conference will be hosted.  At the Bruges Group's panel event, Getting Brexit D...

  3215 Hits

Service Leadership

 The best way to honor the queen would be to take up her form of leadership—as service. She was vivacious and regal up until her final passing. But the queen exuded something even more profound—a surety in the way she led. The entire world watched (an estimated 4.4 billion, making it the most viewed event in history) and wept over the recent l...

  2165 Hits

Why Environmental Issues Are a Crucial Part of Getting Planning Permission in the UK

Getting planning permission has never been the most straightforward process in the UK; however, the requirements have certainly changed over time. With things like the Environmental Act, which was made official in 2021, and the Environmental Bill which preceded it, the UK government has been trying to find a good balance between the need for constr...

  2070 Hits

Webinar: Human Rights Versus Parliamentary Sovereignty

 What are Human Rights? How to we protect the liberties of the individual and the sovereignty of the nation? The perennial debate over how to square this circle, how to affirm these principles and beliefs we hold dear has brought us to the current juncture, with the Human Rights Act (1998), at one stage, close to being repealed by the then-Lor...

  2252 Hits

The Big Lie

"…in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themse...

  4436 Hits

Climate - C02 Nature's Gift

In this important book, the author Jeremy Nieboer sets out the case for CO2 as a vital element of mankind's survival. It is also a powerful indictment of the UN and Global elite who have so woefully failed to protect the earths population. Shockingly the author explains that this failure is brought down upon us solely by unquestioned submission to ...

  2330 Hits

How to French Kiss: Best Tips

A French kiss is a romantic way to connect a little bit stronger with your partner. Trying to do it for the first time may become an unforgettable experience for you and your soulmate. It may feel awkward at first if you've never done this before. But be patient: it needs preparation and learning some practice prompts to gain confidence. Then, you ...

  5972 Hits

Long she reigned over us: The Crown endures

We commemorate a legacy of dedication and service, of dignity and grace, and a reign that oversaw social change but brought unity above division, and represented the greater whole. Now that the throne has been passed, we must not descend into republicanism.  A nation, a world in mourning. The longest reigning monarch in British ...

  2331 Hits

Liz, Land on Our Planet

There is a disconnect between the media, politicians and the people of the UK. We are fed a daily diet of gloom. Hysterical millionaire 'experts' rant with messianic fervour. A plethora of experts, who helped cause the problem, seek to out do each other in their apoplectic zeal to blame others. It is as if they seek to reprise the late Jack Hawkins...

  2119 Hits

What to know about gambling in the UK

Gambling at online casinos is widely popular in the UK and there are a lot of game and casino options available. The UK has one of the biggest gambling markets in the world, along with the US, Macau, France, Singapore, Spain, and Germany. In the UK this market is controlled by The UK Gambling Commission, which was formed after the Gambling Act of 2...

  1783 Hits

Online Gambling Is On The Rise In The Arab World While Gambling Laws Remain Strict

In the Arab world, online casino gambling is rising in popularity. Despite gambling being prohibited locally, there are online websites that are available to players around the world. These online casinos and betting sites are mainly in Malta or the United Kingdom. Arabic gambling affiliate websites such as 7alalcasino review and test their Arabic ...

  3571 Hits

"Maximum Pay?" Bruges Group Chairman Barry Legg on GB News' The Briefing

Bruges Group Chairman Barry Legg appeared on GB News' The Briefing, hosted by Gloria de Piero, to discuss the cost of living crisis and the pay of FTSE 100 Chief Executives, joined by former Labour MP Natascha Engel. The discussion can be found here. Reacting that the average pay of FTSE 100 Chief Executives has jumped by 39% to £3.4 Million, host ...

  2458 Hits

Tips For Operating And Driving A Forklift

Forklifts or fork trucks are one of those utility vehicles that make lifting and carrying loads to places pretty easy. It is undoubtedly the most useful little vehicle a single person can operate without much hassle. However, forklifts are not like regular mini trucks; their operations and functions are limited and very different. And that is why o...

  2559 Hits

7 High-Yield Property Improvements For Landlords

Being a landlord comes with a lot of challenges, but the biggest long-term challenge is getting a good return on your investment. Your rental property should not just be paying for itself, it should be making you money every month. This gives you more money to make more investments in more property, growing your portfolio and turning your small ren...

  1852 Hits

3 Monthly Reports Every Small Business Needs to Monitor

In business, knowledge is power. You can't expect your business to succeed unless you know where it stands at all times, and there's no better way to do that than by generating monthly reports. Monthly reports help you keep a close eye on your company's financial health to make better business decisions around purchases, inventory, investments, mar...

  1717 Hits

Why Are People Moving Towards Using HHC Instead Of Delta 9 THC?

Hexahydrocannabinol is a unique cannabinoid found in the Cannabis sativa plant that has become popular among many people. HHC has similar effects to Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol but has some unique characteristics that set it apart from traditional THC. Hexahydrocannabinol is more potent than THC and produces less psychoactive effects than traditio...

  3340 Hits

The Windmills of Their Minds

It is time to reset our expectation of democracy. We have drifted into a situation where people vote for politicians who, mostly, ignore their duty. That duty is to protect the nation and its people. To create an environment where, in security, hard work is rewarded and people can flourish peacefully under the law. Perversely, politicians have adap...

  2939 Hits

Why Document Management Is So Important to eCommerce and How Retailers Can Improve Theirs

Since the 1990s, online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, and others have been trailblazers in the retail industry's revolution. As more and more consumers start picking up their phones, tablets, laptops, and other smart devices to place online orders, eCommerce sales continue to rise, reaching a staggering £185.22 billion in 2021. There are...

  2292 Hits

The Bill of Rights: No panacea, but a step in the right direction for Parliamentary sovereignty

On reading the reactions to the new Bill of Rights Bill, introduced to the House by the Lord Chancellor, I am reminded of an episode of the BBC anthology series, Screen Two: "The Law Lord". In it, Anthony Andrews plays Lord Edwardes, the Lord Chancellor, contending with an ambitious Home Secretary seeking to bring the legal establishment to heel an...

  2213 Hits

False alarm: why climate change panic costs us trillions, hurts the poor, and fails to fix the planet, by Bjorn Lomborg, paperback, 323 pages, ISBN 978-1-5416-4747-3, Basic Books, 2020, £14.99.

Bjorn Lomborg is a visiting professor at Copenhagen Business School and author of The Skeptical Environmentalist. In this thought-provoking study, he writes, "The science shows us that fears of a climate apocalypse are unfounded. Global warming is real, but it is not the end of the world." In 1989, the head of the UN Environmental Program told us w...

  2885 Hits

Unsettled: what climate science tells us, what it doesn’t, and why it matters. by Steven Koonin, hardback, 306 pages, ISBN 978-1-950665-79-2

In this radical and well-researched book, Dr Steven Koonin examines the science behind the claims that we are experiencing a terminal 'climate emergency'. Some now claim that the science is settled, but this is to call for scientific investigation to cease. Paul Watson, the co-founder of Greenpeace, said, "It doesn't matter what is true, it only ma...

  2848 Hits

'Heir to Margaret Thatcher'? GB News Barry Legg, Chairman of The Bruges Group Interview on GB News

Chairman of The Bruges Group Barry Legg spoke to GB News Political Editor Darren McCaffrey on Liz Truss' candidacy for the leadership of the Conservative Party. GB News The Briefing with Darren McCaffrey 'It took Margaret Thatcher a while to get up to full speed, Liz is just getting out of the blocks.'Chairman of the Bruges Group Barry Legg discuss...

  2992 Hits

3 Ways To Be Heard In An Overcrowded Marketplace

No matter what industry you're in, you're highly likely competing in an overcrowded marketplace due to countless businesses vying for brand recognition and customer attention. Yes, the digital era has, indeed, made it possible for almost everyone and everything to stay connected. However, it has also resulted in companies and organizations rushing ...

  2447 Hits

Walking the Line: Mario Draghi's resignation and Eurozone fragmentation

"Because you're mine, I walk the line", as the Johnny Cash song goes: Mario Draghi tried to walk the line, but he found himself unable to. The Italian Prime Minister and former ECB President has tendered his resignation to President Mattarella following a week of uncertainty as to the future of his technocratic government. The Draghi governmen...

  2299 Hits

6 Popular Kitchen Renovation Projects in The UK

Home improvement projects topped the list of things that Brits spent the most during the pandemic. The trend is expected to continue even as the pandemic shows signs of easing. Based on the 2020 Renovation Nation Report, UK homeowners spent £55 billion on home improvement projects. The various renovation works Brits took up include kitchen, bedroom...

  1839 Hits

Why New Online Casinos Are So Popular With Players

Brand new online casinos are launched frequently. And while these establishments follow the usual process and activities of older platforms, they often come with innovative and unique features that separate them from their older counterparts. There are several gambling mediums online, but what differentiates the top platforms from the average ones ...

  1761 Hits

Libertarians Are Not Our Friends

In a very revealing article many years ago called "Why I am Not a Conservative," a very famous libertarian let the cat out of the bag. He loudly denounced the argument for tradition and custom by calling for a form of anything goes liberalism and atheism. Some go even further, coming close to anarchy with their complete opposition to the state and ...

  2306 Hits

Green Anarchy and the Illeberal Elite

Democracy, liberty and the continuation of western civilisation is under threat. It is threatened by those we have elected to protect and nurture our society. A small number of self entitled politicians and bureaucrats take decisions without reference to their electorate. Sunak's decision to raise Corporation tax to 25% next year has everything to ...

  3564 Hits

The Current State of Media Freedom in the European Union

Media freedom is one of the pillars of democracy in the modern world. The European Union is very involved when it comes to supporting press freedom and human rights among its member states. However, is this enough? Does the European Union put in the effort required to guarantee press independence? Not everyone would agree. Analysis of the state of ...

  2345 Hits

Worrying ourselves to death

We hear about a crisis in mental health which requires urgent solutions, but it may be that, rather than any physical cause, this is the result of the way in which the realities of our modern world are affecting peoples’ perceptions.

Those living in these islands for the past two millennia have had much to cause them concern. The dictatorship of the Roman Empire, the wars between the original British and the Saxons, then those between the latter and the Danes, followed by the Norman Conquest, the many wars with Spain, France and others, culminating in the battles with Germany, and then the Cold War. In addition we have endured plagues, and famines, while much of the nation lived in what we would now describe as poverty.

Today we have been faced with the Covid pandemic, the renewal of war on the European continent in Ukraine, demands that we wear sackcloth and ashes for the past sins of our ancestors, accept blame for supposed climate change, and fret over matters of sexual identity. If there is any truth in American police dramas, as shown on TV, psychiatrists seem to be inventing countless new phobias, and other mental conditions, although it often seems that these are produced by defence lawyers trying to excuse the guilty.

There are however two major differences between our times, and the past. Firstly for many centuries, however bad things were, the vast majority had a religious faith, which offered a hope, and for most, a certainty, that there was an order to their lives. presided over by a beneficent deity, who would ensure that in the end justice would prevail, and they would enter a blissful new life. Now, with so many believing in no such thing, people face an existence in a vast, unending, perhaps eternal universe, with only personal oblivion to which to look forward at the end.

However, such thoughts may usually be far from most people’s thoughts, but what is not is the fact that the unprecedented expansion in communications brought about by the technological revolution is bringing concerns before us that would not have disturbed our ancestors. I can remember when the first live satellite signal to Britain from the United States was broadcast via satellite on July 23, 1962, but now we think nothing of speaking live to friends in Australia from our own studies at home. Where once, if one had an opinion on some issue which one wished to share publicly it was necessary to write a letter to a newspaper, or hold a meeting, now everyone with access to the Internet can broadcast their views to their heart’s content via social media. The inevitable result is that people are worried more and more by things of which they would not have been aware in the past, and expected to take positions on matters that do not impinge on their daily lives, and on which nothing they do or say would have any effect.

  2854 Hits

‘Ordo Ab Chao' Do Tory MPs have the Courage?

Boris Johnson's fall is due to a combination of factors. The man who was London's Mayor for eight years seems to have forgotten the reason for that success. He chose able lieutenants to implement his policy. As Prime Minister he desperately needed them. Without them, everything from BREXIT to Tax Cuts stalled and it seemed increasingly that the gov...

  2093 Hits

We are being hoodwinked (again) by the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill

 The following analysis by Ben Habib is reprinted from: Ben Habib is a Newspaper Columnist and former Brexit Party MEP I am having a profound sense of déjà vu. In 2019 I said the Prime Minister's oven ready deal was a...

  7850 Hits

Security concerns raise questions about casino resort safety

All-inclusive casino hotels have grown in popularity as a weekend getaway for Europeans. However, security concerns at casino resorts are not uncommon. Several reports have recently surfaced of various security issues at casinos in both the United States and Australia. Many people have questioned the safety of casino resorts in general, and especia...

  3184 Hits


 Nicola Sturgeon, Scotlands first Minister, has been banging on, yet again, about holding another referendum on Scottish independence and is proposing to hold a plebiscite during October 2023. This is despite the fact she lost the so-called 'once in a lifetime' independence referendum in 2014. If the people of Scotland go mad and vote to break...

  2111 Hits


Sir William Cash MPRt Hon David Jones MPMartin Howe QCBarnabas Reynolds The constitutional and legal position of the United Kingdom in relation to the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland (the "Protocol") is founded on Section 38 of the EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020 ("EUWAA 2020"). There are also pertinent issues relating to international ...

  2163 Hits

Key Stats About Mobile Phones And How They Affect The Future

Mobile phones started out as a cordless means of communication. As such, they never really got much attention from the public. Fast forward thirty years; however, these portable devices are the most popular gadget in the world. So, how did this happen? The introduction of the smartphone combined mobile phone technology with the internet, giving peo...

  2340 Hits

How to increase involvement on Instagram with VipLikes

 A level of involvement is the first thing a user notices when he first interacts with your profile. This indicator indicates the demand for your brand, its reliability and forms the first impression for both customers and advertisers. In this article, we'll look at how to quickly raise your profile stats and accelerate the promotion process. ...

  2906 Hits

A Beginner's Guide to Growing Plants Outdoors

Cannabis possession, use, and cultivation are now far less restricted than before. As such, more people are growing their own plants at home. That gives them a broader range of strains to choose from while also allowing more control over the quality of the finished product. It also gives people the opportunity to create ample supplies of cannabis t...

  1315 Hits

Health Reformed: How does the modern NHS and its recent review size up with Beveridge’s principles?

Where did the levy money go? That really is a question for the ages – and the recent NHS management review doesn't make it less so. The management review appeared to swerve fundamental issues of NHS reform and made proposals more in line with the status quo than proposals to bring efficiency and discipline to the health service. This has prompted t...

  2125 Hits

The ECHR and taking back control

Take back control, they said. The UK-Rwanda Migration and Economic Development Partnership was their means of doing so. In response to the 11th hour intervention from the European Court of Human Rights which led to the flight being cancelled, the Home Secretary Priti Patel said "We will not be deterred from doing the right thing and delivering...

  2374 Hits

Re-energised? In the long-term

Background Rather like its contents, the government's Energy Security Strategy has an overarching theme of "better late than never" and contains a number of positives around the development and implementation of measures to mitigate against reliance on imported energy, whilst maintaining the nirvana of Net Zero by 2050. There are some bold commitme...

  2588 Hits

Just liberal violence: sweatshops, torture, war, by Michael Neu, paperback, 149 pages, ISBN 978-1-78660-065-3, Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, £23.95.

Michael Neu is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Politics and Ethics at the University of Brighton. He writes, "Defenders of just liberal violence … fail to see that any attempt analytically to separate their philosophical arguments from the politics of their time – the attempt, essentially, to engage in apolitical moral philosophy about matters of ...

  7809 Hits

A festschrift for Anthony Coughlan: Essays on sovereignty and democracy, edited by Frank Keoghan, Ruan O’Donnell & Michael Quinn, hardback, 159 pages, ISBN 978-0-09955975-2-5, Iontas Press, 2018.

Anthony Coughlan is known to most of us for his heroic work for the National Platform of Ireland, which campaigns for Ireland's independence from the EU. As Michael Quinn writes, "He has tirelessly campaigned against the centralising and unaccountable EU bureaucracy; articulating instead the alternative case for a Europe of independent and co-opera...

  5286 Hits

The new working class: how to win hearts, minds and votes, by Claire Ainsley, paperback, 200 pages, ISBN 978-1-4473-4418-6, Policy Press, 2018, £12.99

 Claire Ainsley is Executive Director of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. In this useful book she shows that voters generally have very sensible views about what Britain needs to flourish. She points out that "by Labour's third successive victory in 2005, working-class support for Labour had waned, and non-voting rates of working-class voters i...

  25559 Hits

Morality and Respect for Democracy

Being ambushed on his birthday to listen to a small group singing 'Happy Birthday' and sip a glass of wine may have been foolish of the PM. It does not count as crime in rational people's book. 10 Downing Street is a huge office. The Police issued 126 fixed-penalty notices naming only three recipients. The other 123 were presumably issued to specia...

  2394 Hits

A Six-Step Guide to Starting a Nonprofit

Making a difference in the community is not an easy task. People that are passionate about making a change and helping those that need it most, often start nonprofit organizations. As the name suggests, these organizations aim to help the ones in need rather than to rack up a significant financial turnover.  However, taking up a project on suc...

  1694 Hits

The Camp of the Saints

In 1973 the French author and explorer, Jean Raspail, published his dystopian novel “The Camp of the Saints”, which portrayed the destruction of Western civilisation by Third World mass immigration to France and the West, much of it by sea. Its name comes from the bible’s book of revelation, which depicts the apocalypse. Unsurprisingly it was decried by many as being racist, and indeed it has been popular with parties and groups who espouse far right policies. However, it returned to the best seller list in France in 2011

It undoubtedly contains underlying assumptions about the differences between racial groups, which run contrary to contemporary beliefs. Those of us who espouse Christian values know that the young child in a Third World slum is as important, and worthy, as any rich denizen of a rich country, while the accident of birth should be no guide as to the life to which one aspires.

However there can be no doubt as to its relevance to the question which is becoming more and more central to the modern world, that concerning the mass movement of peoples across the globe, and in particular for us in the UK, confronting the continued, and growing problem of illegal immigration across the Channel. On one end of the argument would be a halt to all immigration, on the other a free for all, with no limits imposed, and where the line is drawn is of increasing importance.

In the modern world a full stop would be impracticable, as well as immoral, as those fleeing in fear of their lives must be given hope of a refuge. To open the door entirely would, apart from provoking a massive adverse reaction among the indigenous population, very quickly reduce the host country to chaos, and economic destruction. We have tried to compromise with limits applied, yet valid refugees being welcomed, in particular those from areas, such as Ukraine, where conflict is taking place.

When looking at the specifics it is clear that the vast majority of those coming across on small boats are young men, albeit accompanied bya much smaller number of women and children. In addition, interviews with those arriving reveal that a majority are coming from countries which are not being subject to violent conflicts. These facts make clear that the bulk of these migrants are in fact motivated by economic factors, and should therefore be taking their place with those who are taking the legal route to claiming asylum, not being allowed to jump to the head of the queue. It should also be noted that they will have been paying considerable sums to criminals, indicating that they are not destitute, while they are coming directly from France, a country not considered dangerous, and where they should be claiming asylum.

It is quite understandable that very many people from the third world would wish to live in the West, but we must also consider the fact that we lack the infrastructure ranging from GPs, housing and employment to absorb unlimited numbers. Those who constantly seek to block anything the government tries to do to stop the flow of illegal immigration refuse to answer the direct question as to how many immigrants they would consider too many, and instead resort abusing those attempting to find a workable compromise as racists. It is doubtful that the lawyers, and metropolitan liberals supporting open door policies would themselves find their own jobs and way of life under threat, as the burden would fall upon the working class in already deprived areas.

Those left liberals, indulging in their usual virtue signalling at no immediate cost to themselves, should reflect that, if nothing is done, there will inevitably be a reaction which could affect far more than immigration policy.

  3692 Hits

How Companies in the UK Can Bounce Back After COVID

nologThe COVID-19 pandemic had an unprecedented impact on companies across the world. In the two years since initial lockdown, far too many businesses continue to struggle to make a comeback. The Prime Minister of England has officially urged people to go back to their offices and normal work environments. His goal is to get everyone back to living...

  2337 Hits

Cordless fan: a fresh breeze in your home

On hot summer days, you really want to feel the fresh breeze. The first thing that comes to mind is ventilation and air conditioning. However, the first option does not bring relief if the air temperature outside is even higher than indoors. In addition, drafts, even in the heat, can be very dangerous. Fortunately, there is a time-tested alternativ...

  2547 Hits

Why Does The Price Of Pink Panther Weed Strain Vary On Sites?

Marijuana or cannabis, better known as a weed in popular culture, is a flower from the cannabis plant. The latest hype in this industry is the pink panther weed. However, if you are a cannabis enthusiast, you must know that before buying any strain, it is essential to check the price and quality of the strain. But have you ever wondered if the pric...

  1673 Hits

How to Build a Legacy Within Your Family Business

Some people who start a business dream of it becoming an enterprise that is passed down through generations. While this is true for some companies and families, it can also be a fraught ambition. Families can be dysfunctional, and when that dysfunction is transferred to the workplace, it can be catastrophic for the business. Furthermore, there is n...

  2585 Hits

Tips For Boosting Your Business Presence Online

Getting your business into the eye of the public is a huge part of finding success in any industry, and the internet is the most efficient way to make an impact on the largest pool of potential customers. If you can refine your approach to digital visibility, you can really give your operation a leg up in the industry. Take some time for research n...

  1601 Hits

Full Review of Full Spectrum CBD Oil from JUSTCBD

Initially, I didn't have much knowledge about CBD products. After my friend couldn't stop blabbering about some Cannabidiol wonder, I thought, why not find out for myself. I started with CBD gummies and then went on to buy a myriad of items… Yeah, well, you can't blame a girl for getting obsessed, can you? Lol. To get your supply, buy full spectrum...

  2205 Hits

On Your Bike

GET ON YOUR BIKE No matter where we turn, it's the environment. It's the Earth! And like the Earth, my head is spinning from all of the information and the hypocrisy of private jet riding, elitist, globalists Davos attendees. However, I believe the answer is in the spin: spin the pedals. I believe it is time that we got on our bikes - especially th...

  2027 Hits


As an avid casino gambler, I've been around the block more than once and have seen every misconception about gambling in casinos. I can tell you that while they may seem true at first glance, they are all just myths that do not apply when it comes to the real world of casino gambling. Let's look at the top five myths and set the record straight onc...

  2457 Hits

Sex education of teenagers

Sex education of teenagers   Sex education is an important part of teenage life and needs to be taught in the best possible way. It is an important part of growing up and it is important for teenagers to be informed and educated about sex with realistic pussy. Teenagers need to understand the risks involved with engaging in sexual activity, as...

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How To Dress Up For A Night At The Casino

Casinos are a great place to dress up, especially if you're going to get a little more serious with your gambling. It's not just about looking cool and feeling comfortable — it's also about making sure you put in the right clothes to suit the temperature of the room. To that end, we will be exploring suitable ways to dress up for a night at a casin...

  3104 Hits

‘NextDoor’ - another forum attacking free speech

If Elon Musk succeeds in ending the left liberal bias on Twitter, which he will find hard, perhaps he might turn his attention to ‘NextDoor’, the local internet, where the same morons are allowed to run riot. Although I never touch social media, as so many of its users have obviously forgotten to take their tablets, I have used ‘NextDoor’, as one can advertise goods for sale, or seek information on local tradesmen etc. However it does also open the door to postings on any subject, so the woke, and other idiots, frequently add comments on a number of social issues, but always from the left liberal point of view. Any of us who respond are then subjected to abuse, with no effort being made to answer anything we say, the comments being full of claims, and no substance.

Remainers accuse Leavers of xenophobia, to doubt man made climate change causes the extreme environmentalists to call us scientific illiterates at best, although more usually morons, any statement pointing out that the British Empire was not all bad, and that one should leave the past to the past, is greeted with accusations of racism, as does any questioning of allowing thousands of illegal immigrants to land on our beaches, while if one dares to question the left consensus on sexual matters, particularly ‘trans’ issues this provokes completely over the top abuse.

I recently encountered this latter crowd when I dared to mention ‘so called’ trans men, pointing out that one female inmate of a prison had been raped by one such, as had a female occupant of a hospital ward. This generated hysteria, with me accused of being a rabid right wing transphobe, which some were unable to answer because they were so upset. Poor little snowflakes!

One particularly moronic woman posted the following “Your hate and fear is palpable. Your comments are abhorrent. You have absolutely no idea with regards to “ trans” personal issues and use media propaganda and stereotyping to spread hate, fear and paranoia. This is the same type demonising of the Jewish race and paranoia and hate that was spread in 1930’s Germany, U.K. and many other countries due to Fascism. So that illustrates exactly what you are. A Facist through and through filled with hate. Or in other words a sad little man”. This directed at someone who hates Nazis, and fascists, and who has always supported Israel!

This same lunatic followed up with “You have no hate yet you hate trans. You say you want to protect the rights of free speech but free speech begins with tolerance. Tolerance of everyone in our society not just the people we decide should have free speech. Women fought for rights and so do trans fight for rights. A trans person doesn’t choose who they are - they simply are the way they are. Those who aren’t trans are lucky enough to know who they are but I don’t expect you to understand that or to understand the mental anguish or persecution that many trans endure and yet you choose to judge and persecute trans people more by what incidents you read depicted propaganda in the media. Yes Goebbels and Mosley would have been extremely proud of you. Your hate is evidenced by your hate comments. You are the bigot. I believe In tolerance and equality. I think a trans person has just as many rights as the next person as a human being first and foremost and should be treated as such. The difference is I know trans people and value them. I also know women and value them. Just as much as I know men and value them. Each one is a person and as such are all entitled to rights. You don’t see any of them as people. You just divide them into labels that’s the difference and one label disgusts you. As for trying to protect women- don’t make me laugh. That’s your justification you tell yourself for your hatred. Keep lying to yourself because I can assure you no one else believes you”. This latter comment was because I dared to defend J K Rowling, and said that I supported the hard won rights of women.

After all this I replied in some anger, although without abuse, yet I then found that the ‘moderators’ had removed me from the forum for a week, because I had breached their laws on politeness. These latter must either be more snowflakes, who cry if they hear anyone arguing, or else just products of our modern education system, who believe all the rubbish the liberal left spouts. I suspect the latter.

What is clear is that most of these imbeciles are not themselves ‘trans’, but are merely virtue signalling to prove how wonderful they are (they think!). I expect that the few who do come under the ‘trans’ heading would rather be left alone to get on with their lives, but they are just cannon fodder for the mainly white, middle class, university (if you can call them that these days) educated idiots.

These people cannot be stopped from ranting, but it would be of great help if the silent majority, who rightly regard them with contempt, would join me in hitting back. If enough were then censored by the ‘moderators’ it would make a good case for closing the whole cesspit down.

  3695 Hits

Conservatives in the last chance saloon

This week has been another shocking reminder how far adrift today's Conservative Party are from the principles enunciated and implemented by its greatest peacetime leader Margaret Thatcher. To me personally, this has been dramatically emphasised by the loss of Westminster City Council to the Labour Party. Some thirty years ago as the Finance Chairm...

  2545 Hits

Is globalisation defunct?

Is there a need for a rethink of the 21st century direction of travel of globalisation, the concept of a global village, 4IR, communitarianism and supranationalism, as conceived at the end of the previous century? Vulnerabilities of scale The devastating impact of the pandemic on economics, trade, logistics and the global supply chain, plus the imp...

  2572 Hits

The United States and Europe Redefined

It is past time to re-evaluate key U.S. assumptions about Europe and the European Union.  For far too long, America and Europe have had a very one-sided relationship. It is like a codependent marriage, in which one partner sacrifices his or her own needs for those of the spouse. That person's actions will completely revolve around the other pe...

  3062 Hits

The Cost of BRINO

Margaret Thatcher broke the mould of British politics. A grocer's daughter raised above the family shop. She benefited from free state education including university. She believed in equal opportunity. She believed in wealth distribution through hard work and getting rid of as much state intervention as possible. As Prime Minister she encouraged pr...

  2520 Hits

Carlamatous Confusion

As the dreaded 2030 deadline for the cessation of the manufacture and sale of all conventional petrol and diesel cars approaches, I have to wonder if our Prime Minister and other Government Ministers really have a clue as to what they are doing and if they realise the calamitous confusion they have set in place for the average British person. As a ...

  2581 Hits

Rishi's tax rises are a looming DISASTER for Britain, warns Patrick Minford

Boris Johnson is often dismissed as a know-nothing on economics, and Rishi Sunak prides himself on being rather good at it.  In his generally excellent recent Mais lecture, the Chancellor set out his vision for the UK economy. He aims for freeing up markets, improving regulation, and cutting taxes to incentivise investment, training and R...

  2867 Hits

Revealed: EU did not fully stop arms sales to Russia until recently

Toothless EU 2014 embargo on export of weapons to Russia finally enforced on 8 April 2022  Removal of loophole covered up by EU – not mentioned in latest sanctions press release In our previous report of 25 March on EU arms sales to Russia between 2014-2020 we revealed how a clause allowed weapons contracts to continue to be fulfilled if they ...

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One Fine Day

Boris has offered his heart-felt apology to the nation for inadvertently breaking lockdown rules, for which he has been fined, but that is not enough for his political enemies unsurprisingly. Wednesday's PMQs were marked by a tiresome repetition by Opposition MPs demanding the resignation of the Prime Minister, using up precious parliamentary time ...

  2459 Hits

Why Leisure Activities Are Important for Mental Health

Research shows that the most frequently recommended method for improved mental health is actively seeking out your own leisure time. This is incredibly important, especially now that we are navigating a culture centered around overworking. We glorify the "rise and grind" mindset to a concerning degree, which is not only unhealthy but also promotes ...

  2334 Hits

Is A Maternal Bloodline Good Enough To Claim Italian Citizenship

Reclaiming one's ancestral roots is one of the common reasons for immigration. The good thing is that several countries enable people to claim citizenship by descent, and Italy is one of them. The Italian Jure Sanguinis process has no generational limits, and you can claim citizenship through your parents, grandparents, and generations before. But ...

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Online casinos including kubet69, continue to grow in popularity, and the number of available games and promotions are great places to play since you can still enjoy your favorite casino games without having to dress up or go out. However,knowing how to avoid being scammed when trying something new online is also important. Online casino safety has...

  3012 Hits

Is the Conservative Party running out of Energy?

Outputs from Spring Statement In advance of the promised reveal of the government's energy plan this week, let's start with the positives from Rishi Sunak's Spring Statement. 5 whole years of VAT free purchases on solar panels, ground and air source heat pumps. Not in Northern Ireland of course but they seem to matter less than ever to the Conserva...

  2536 Hits

Klaus Schwab’s Tower of Babel

The European Union and Davos-style globalism is saturating the globe on all continents. It pretends to make the world a better place. It does no such thing.  The Tower of Babel was real. The structure, reaching far into the skies, was built in the land of Shinar, in ancient Babylon. It was constructed some years after the Deluge, or what is co...

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Cash is King or is it Crypto (nite)?

A few weeks ago, I saw a sign stuck to the plastic screen dividing me from a barista. To précis, electronic payment preferred, cash as a last resort. When I politely enquired as to why, I was told, albeit politely, that whilst it was not "due to COVID" (no sensible business is still using that schtick are they?) despite the transaction cost, it was...

  2736 Hits

Taxation: the gift you keep on giving

United Kingdom rates of personal taxation are at their highest in over 70 years. They are set to increase further. Whether or not governments spend the money they raise wisely? That's another piece for another day but my overarching view is that individuals make better spending choices than "the state". This article examines the ways in which the T...

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Crypto Regulation in the EU vs the UK

Crypto regulations would have been identical for both the EU and the UK. However, the Brexit game brings chaos, and hence the crypto regulations, including the famous Bitcoin and Ripple, are independently defined, yet few sections overlap. This guide will bring some light on the cryptocurrencies regulations in the United Kingdom and European Union....

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How to Maximize Free Bets During the Long Summer Break for European Club Football

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  2380 Hits

“Despite Brexit” becomes “Despite Biden” with US mini-trade deals

US states courted for deals on financial services after US tariffs on steel and aluminium lifted.  A look at the improving UK trade with US and Canada While all eyes have been on the possibility of a large bilateral deal with the US, the two governments have been reaching across the pond to strike small deals that amount to great improvements ...

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Which Resume Maker Is Best?

 Writing a resume can be a stressful and intimidating task. It is not easy to condense your life experiences into a one-page document - especially when you know that the quality of this document has a bearing on your happiness and your financial future! Online resume makers can take the pressure off. These web-based tools will walk you through...

  3741 Hits

Time Boris stood up to EU bullies - free Northern Ireland from Protocol

By Andrew Rosindell  In 2019, we went to the polls with a simple choice, Boris Johnson or Jeremy Corbyn, a choice to either Get Brexit Done or a choice for more dither and delay, maybe even a second referendum.  Thankfully, the people of the U.K. voted to Get Brexit Done and they did so with an overwhelming majority. Unfortunately, our fr...

  2894 Hits

Will the EU ever say ‘thank you’ to the United Kingdom for defending its territory?

RAF deploys fighter jets and Expeditionary Air Wing personnel to EU's Romania.  Once again, Brexit Britain flies to the protection of the EU On Saturday the Ministry of Defence announced that British Typhoon jets and Royal Air Force personnel are deploying to Romania. They will operate as part of NATO's 'Air Policing mission' for the Black Sea...

  2558 Hits

The public is turning on the shambolic Tories

Voters are looking at Rishi Sunak's chaotic mini-Budget and concluding: the party stands for nothing at all.  Every so often, a member of the Question Time audience manages to capture the current mood. It happened when an elderly gentleman told a bickering Nigel Farage and Eddie Izzard to "shut up" during a programme filmed in the run up to th...

  2174 Hits

Taxes and sovereignty

When Parliament fell to debating various versions of a Withdrawal Agreement between the UK and the EU some of us had no wish to enter binding arrangements with the EU that could continue to prevent us making sovereign decisions for ourselves through elections and Parliamentary votes. I along with 27 other Conservative MPs voted three times against ...

  2248 Hits

EU sanctions busted by the French again

 While others close their Russian doors, French tills in Russia keep ringing. French companies find reasons to do business in Russia while British companies pull out Economic sanctions from Western nations were meant to send a message to President Putin: Stop the war and withdraw from Ukraine. The French are ignoring world opinion. Many busine...

  2192 Hits

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Director : Robert Oulds
Tel: 020 7287 4414
Chairman: Barry Legg
The Bruges Group
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London W1B 5TB
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Founder President :
The Rt Hon. the Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven LG, OM, FRS 
Vice-President : The Rt Hon. the Lord Lamont of Lerwick,
Chairman: Barry Legg
Director : Robert Oulds MA, FRSA
Washington D.C. Representative : John O'Sullivan CBE
Founder Chairman : Lord Harris of High Cross
Head of Media: Jack Soames