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The Bruges Group spearheaded the intellectual battle to win a vote to leave the European Union and, above all, against the emergence of a centralised EU state.
The Bruges Group spearheaded the intellectual battle to win a vote to leave the European Union and, above all, against the emergence of a centralised EU state.

Bruges Group Blog

Spearheading the intellectual battle against the EU. And for new thinking in international affairs.

Subcategories from this category:

European Union

What are UK Players' Priorities and How Does Generation VIP Cater To Them?

Hey there gaming enthusiasts and casino connoisseurs! Have you ever wondered what truly matters to UK players in the world of online casinos? From seamless gameplay to enticing bonuses and personalised experiences, UK players have discerning tastes. Enter Generation VIP, a platform that not only understands but also caters to these priorities like ...

  1616 Hits

Reasons Why You Should Seek Legal Counsel for Personal Injury

It's a little-known fact that many people injured due to another person's action may be entitled to financial compensation. But with so much information and intricate legalities, the process can be daunting for someone unfamiliar with the law. Thankfully, consulting an experienced personal injury lawyer can guide how best to proceed—and often, they...

  3523 Hits

A Guide to Seasonal Skin Care for Pembrokeshire Residents

Pembrokeshire, with its pristine coastlines and varying climate, offers a unique blend of experiences for both residents and visitors alike. But, with its seasonal charm comes a set of challenges, especially for skin health. As the weather shifts from the brisk cold of winter to the warm glow of summer, our skin, too, experiences a myriad of change...

  698 Hits
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North and South in a new geopolitical dichotomy

.What used to be East and West is now the global North and South in a new geopolitical dichotomy. While not strictly ideologically divided, the ascendancy of (southern) BRICS members being largely economic, they and the whole Global South are increasingly defined politically according to their perceived history. Much is spoken about multipolarity b...

  986 Hits
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Our Nation State its Past, Present and Future. By Bob Lomas

The intellect of mankind has developed down through millennia which has facilitated his progression of understanding. Unfortunately the level of understanding is not, and has never been, universal due to group isolation and environmental limitations. On a world scale it has been and remains a long and very slow learning curve, its progression ...

  1061 Hits
G12 Is Freedom Under Threat?

The Elites: Myth or Reality?

The word 'elites' has come to mean a shorthand for 'the powers that be', which may include or be separate from and above one's elected representatives including international regulators that dictate to and restrict governments. This comprising an embryonic world government for whom and for which no one voted. According to various conspiracy theorie...

  1038 Hits
Derek-Bennett-1960s-passport-photo Off on an adventure!

Stealing Freedom of Movement

 The photo of me is from 1968 when I was young, beardless and fresh faced, it was one taken for my very first passport. In those days our British passports were wonderful things, they were dark blue with a hard cover and inside were the instructions from our Monarch to let the holder of the passport pass without let or hinderance. As I used th...

  1027 Hits

The mass media are warped as a barley twist

On Tuesday night BBC4 screened a 1980 episode of 'Yes, Minister' about the dangers to personal privacy of a governmental national database. Things have certainly moved on since then - we surrender our DPA rights almost every time we shop or go online. But the information asymmetry between officialdom and the citizen is still a live issue over four ...

  1440 Hits
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Were all our tomorrows yesterday?

'Thirteen Wasted Years' is the war cry of Starmer's Labour party. To those who remember, it simply demonstrates that they have not got a new idea - on anything. The slogan was used by Wilson for the 1964 General Election. I suggest that the truth is that, apart from Thatcher, we have had 84 wasted years, well 79 if one deducts WW2. Neville Chamberl...

  975 Hits

Censorship is deadly

The danger of suppressing information and alternative views in matters of public interest is that it will likely lead to costly and lethal policy errors. Alastair Campbell says it is a shame that the UK does not jail politicians for misleading Parliament. Can he have forgotten that Blair assured the Commons that he knew - rather than was personally...

  955 Hits

Mastering the Startup Space: Key Moves for New Entrepreneurs

Diving into the world of startups is akin to embarking on an exhilarating yet demanding adventure. It's an expedition filled with opportunities, challenges, victories, and lessons. Every new entrepreneur brings to the table a spark, a dream. Yet, while the energy is abundant, the path to success can be elusive. This guide aims to illuminate that pa...

  962 Hits

Legal Trumpery

Donald Trump is to 'surrender' to a court in Atlanta on Thursday to face thirteen charges. As a Brit I have no dog in this fight, and DJT is definitely a Marmite person, but I am not alone in viewing the whole affair as at least partly party-politically motivated, employing a spray-and-pray tactic in the hope that at least one bullet will hit its t...

  1031 Hits

Batten the Hatches!

I have been following a select group of (mostly American) financial commentators since 2007, before the Global Financial Crisis. Their tone is even more sombre now. Charles Hugh Smith posted 'I Have a Very Bad Feeling About This' a few days ago, following it with 'No, Central Banks Won't Save Us This Time.' He has been warning for years that we sho...

  1084 Hits
Facts_1 Facts and Dangerous Myths

Climate (sic) "Science" Mythology and an Historical Perspective. 

One of the few benefits of being old is a weary perspective - that our untameable climate has caused self-acclaimed scientists to be perpetually baffled. When it comes to this force of nature I am firmly encamped with King Canute who, possibly unlike our present king, deserves to be remembered as a debunker of baloney. Growing up in the 60's, and f...

  1287 Hits
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Artificial Idiocy and Productivity Damage

Last Saturday we went to the theatre in Windsor. The car park no longer has a machine that takes cash. It does have two parking aps. The first was out of order, or at least it could not be downloaded. The second was one my wife has. Her credit card is registered with them, but she could not pay. She phoned them. A human sorted the problem, confirme...

  912 Hits

Cock-a-knee Rebels

A friend once gave me a spray can of 'bullshit repellent.' The cover showed a man in an Edwardian swimming costume chesting back prime surfer quality waves of the stuff. There's so much of it now. Bookmaker Paddy Power has just released a promo video linking to the Women's World Cup (htp: PJW), insulting white men as misogynist gammons uninterested...

  822 Hits

Robert Oulds in the Express: World War 2 was the first culture war and now we are fighting another

Director Robert Oulds' recent article in the Daily Express on what his latest book, World War II: The First Culture War, means to him had struck a chord with readers and explains his thinking behind his latest book. Embedded in this latest publication is a deeper exploration of Britain and the societies it created, the Empire it built, and wha...

  1134 Hits

EU and Maui: Burning Issues

Everything is proof we should have not left the EU and that climate change will kill us all. If the UK has an economic boom and Arctic weather, those are sure signs that a bust will follow and our trees will burst into flame. We are in a time like the periodic madnesses that seized Europe in the Middle Ages - Norman Cohn's 'The Pursuit Of The Mille...

  819 Hits

World War II: The First Culture War

Mr Robert Oulds' new book, World War II: The First Culture War has received praise and plaudits from all quarters. War strategists, academics, and politicians alike have praised his book as detailed, illuminating, and comprehensive. It's a book that goes deeper than merely the events, the politics, or the history many of us understand - it's a...

  4126 Hits

Why Inflation Must Be Killed

The inflation rate was over 11 per cent last Autumn; in the mid-Seventies it surpassed 25 per cent. You would want to be protected against this rotting of your money, especially if you were a pensioner. Last month I explained how the Government's choice and operation of inflation indices for State benefits doesn't work. Now I want to show how, even...

  953 Hits
RO-Book World War II The First Culture War

World War II The First Culture War

Robert Oulds new book, 'World War II The First Culture War', is a remarkable literary accomplishment. This is history of a different sort. It looks in detail at nations, cultures and people and examines the reasons for events. Rather than a catalogue, with endless references, of events, it examines the reason for the event(s). When the events thems...

  1255 Hits

The EU - A GDP Graveyard - Proved by 40 Years of IMF Statistics

Still Want to Rejoin? - Read This  If you want still to rejoin the EU, ask yourself after reading about nearly four decades of IMF economic data, how in the name of good judgement anyone might want to do that.   For those four decades the EU has been a graveyard for UK GDP along with the r...

  1757 Hits

Affairs are now soul size

Why do bad men do bad things? Because they are mad, that is the modern explanation. But 'mad' is just English for 'I don't understand.' It's become common wisdom that all religious belief from Animism to Zoroastrianism is wrong, loopy and solely responsible for mankind's atrocities; but it's the irrationality and inhumanity of worldly wisemen that ...

  867 Hits

Booze Boosts Budgets

The tax on alcohol has been raised by 10.1%; the reasons given are 'wider UK tax and public health objectives.' It's mostly to do with the money: last year the Treasury raised £12.4 billion from alcohol duties. This compares with around £8 billion in the US, which has 5 times our population. Clearly the UK Government needs the cash and depends on d...

  1057 Hits

A Guide to Understanding Casino Payout Rates

When diving into the world of online casinos, one term you'll frequently encounter is "payout rate." It's a crucial metric that can significantly influence your gaming experience. I've often found that players, both new and seasoned, can benefit from a clear understanding of this concept. In a study conducted by, they shed light on t...

  1382 Hits

Is Natural Gas a Good Investment? Analysing Benefits, Risks, and Opportunities

Natural gas has emerged as a significant player in the global energy landscape, positioned as an intermediary energy source between traditional fossil fuels and renewable energy. Its cleaner and lower-cost attributes have attracted attention, making it a potential investment opportunity. However, with the transition to renewable energy gaining mome...

  3754 Hits

Immigration: Robert Oulds' TalkTV Interview with Mike Graham

In a recent interview with Mike Graham on TalkTV's 'The Independent Republic of Mike Graham', Director of The Bruges Group Mr. Robert Oulds spoke on Immigration, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's priorities before the next General Election, and what can be done to stop the boats. Mr Oulds said that for the Prime Minister to retain the trust of many of t...

  990 Hits

Keith Shotbolt: The True Science of Climate Change

As part of the Bruges Group's Climate Change Programme, we present this paper on the True Science on Climate Change by Keith Shotbolt. Download PDF File Here

  1147 Hits

Nick Schroeder: Greenhouse theory goes kerbluey

Greenhouse Emissions say, without Greenhouse Gases, Earth becomes -18 C ball of ice.Science says not so.K-T balance graphics show a 396/333/63 GHE energy loop.Science says bad math & badder physics.GHE says Earth upwells "extra" energy as a BB surface. Science says not possible. No Greenhouse Emissions, no Greenhouse Gas hea...

  1729 Hits
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Britain's debt pile is NOT higher than the EU's

Contrary to the Daily Telegraph's story today claiming that Britain's debt pile does not outstrip the EU's, Britain's is far lower, because the EU's is masked by creative accounting. The full extent of the EU's debts and other financial liabilities is detailed in my book recent book 'The shadow liabilities of EU Member States, and the threat they p...

  1742 Hits

How Live Streaming Works and Its Impact on the Gambling Industry

Live streaming has become a transformative force in the gambling industry, creating a bridge between physical casinos and virtual platforms. Through the use of high-definition cameras, specialized software, and secure internet connections, live streaming delivers real-time data from casino floors or live studios directly to users' devices. Technolo...

  2980 Hits

A Physician Assistant's Amazing Role in Healthcare

Physician assistants (PAs) are rapidly becoming integral providers in healthcare. Their advanced medical training, versatility, and collaborative approach enable PAs to help fill provider gaps, increase access, coordinate care, and elevate outcomes. Pursuing a career as a Physician Assistant offers tremendous rewards and growth opportunities. PAs e...

  902 Hits

How to Prepare for a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Dealing with a personal injury is an unfortunate and challenging experience, but when legal action becomes necessary, it's important to be well-prepared for the journey ahead. A personal injury lawsuit can arise from various situations, such as car accidents, slips, and falls, medical malpractice, or workplace incidents. Navigating the legal proces...

  730 Hits

6 Situations When You Need To Hire A Lawyer

Do you find yourself in legal hot water and unsure where to turn? Have you been recently served with a restraining order or faced with bankruptcy proceedings? Or maybe you're starting your own business and want some specific pieces of advice. No matter what kind of situation you've found yourself in, if it involves legalese, it may be time to call ...

  902 Hits

The Importance of Office Furniture to Achieve Business Success

Choosing the best office furniture is more critical than many realize. Presenting the right professional atmosphere begins with choosing complementary office furniture. Shopping for office furniture takes a concerted effort, but it is worth the time spent. Why Is the Right Office Furniture So Critical? Before searching for furniture, business owner...

  1300 Hits

Strategies to Maximize Your Car Accident Claim Settlement

Being involved in a car accident can be an extremely stressful experience, especially if you don't know what to do the moment it happens. From understanding how claims work to navigating medical bills and insurance quotes, you may feel lost and overwhelmed—which is why ensuring that you get the maximum settlement for your car accident claim is esse...

  750 Hits

The Biggest Issues That Keep Men Up At Night (And How They Can Sort Them)

There's nothing worse than a worry that keeps you up at night. That niggling feeling that you can't shake, that your brain starts to fret over as soon as you try and rest. And let's face it: there's hardly been a shortage of things to worry about recently! Ranging from personal relationships to career aspirations and health concerns, all of these i...

  2074 Hits

A Curated List of Ways to Get Your Lost or Deleted Data Back

As we continue our journey into the digital age, data has become a universal currency of immense value. It is the backbone of businesses, the anchor of personal memories, and the foundation of countless intellectual endeavors. Protecting this data is imperative, yet many fail to realize its importance until it is too late. Data loss can result from...

  735 Hits

ULEZ and the Poll Tax

If you want more money off the poor you'll have to give it to them first. Even the Conservatives took some account of this when they first proposed a Community Charge. Here is how they announced it in their 1987 General Election manifesto: 'We will legislate in the first Session of the new Parliament to abolish the unfair domestic rating system and...

  981 Hits

Inflation and pay claims

Strikers are all evil, of course. I know because I was a teacher in 1987 and the newspapers made it clear how wicked and greedy we all were; a change from the cheery contempt everybody has for our profession. Now it's overpaid railway workers and horrid grasping doctors. Nobody in the public sector should be allowed to withhold their labour or othe...

  800 Hits
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Predictable Panic and Populism

The by-election results have had a predictable effect on MPs of the two main parties. The real story is that because there is not a Conservative party to vote for, Tories stayed at home. With the exception of a minority of democrats still fighting to implement Brexit, the conservative party is now Labour-lite. The real Labour party in full throated...

  1016 Hits

The Ultimate Guide To Investing In Precious Metals

Precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, and palladium have long intrigued investors due to their aesthetic appeal. But beyond their timeless beauty, these metals also provide unique portfolio diversification, wealth protection, and hedging abilities. Their distinguishing financial attributes explain the enduring investor attraction. This guide...

  515 Hits

No Deposit Bonuses Unveiled: How to Play With Free Money at Online Casinos

Have you ever heard the term "risk-free betting"? It is the dream of every online casino player, and these dreams have become a reality. You can get free money to play games online. While many new sites are popping up in the industry and seeking to convince gamblers to join their platforms, long-operating online casinos are constantly trying to win...

  1220 Hits

Disadvantages Of The EU Universities Or Why UK Universities Are The Best Choice?

In recent years, choosing the right university has become an increasingly important decision for students around the world. With the rise in globalization, students now have a wider range of options when it comes to pursuing higher education. While European Union (EU) universities may seem like an attractive choice, several disadvantages make UK un...

  1607 Hits

The Impact of Distracted Driving on Pedestrian Safety

In this day and age, the combination of busy life schedules, technology overload, and commuting to work or school can be a lethal cocktail for distracted driving. While most drivers focus on reducing their own risk factors while behind the wheel, few remember that there are others who rely just as heavily on the consideration of motorists—the pedes...

  893 Hits

'The European Project is Making People Poorer'

Have we in the UK been getting steadily poorer year-on-year over 46 years in the "European Project" [the EEC and then the EU] than if the UK had been out? What is the evidence? Remainers claim "We're better off in". But is it true? And if "We're better off out" people should know. The UK is tipped to overtake Germany and become the largest economy ...

  10137 Hits

How Has Brexit Benefited UK Businesses?

The UK exited the European Union on December 31, 2020. Leaving the EU has been a double-edged sword for British companies, who have experienced advantages and numerous difficulties due to Brexit. Combined with the COVID-19 pandemic, the results have only sometimes favoured UK companies. Before Brexit, goods and services could be transported to and ...

  1221 Hits
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Too Many Chiefs

There is an old saying for organisations that are over managed, which is: 'Too many chiefs and not enough indians'. No doubt such a saying these days falls foul of the P.C., woke, right-on campaigners and mad leftie nutters, who will want anyone cancelled for saying such a thing. However, as I stay clear of all social media as I feel it is the inte...

  863 Hits

Liberal Totalitarians

I agree with George Monbiot when he says 'Overwhelmingly, the risk of climate change is due to moving billions of tons of carbon from deep underground into the atmosphere.'Over time, if we keep doing this, the chemical makeup of our atmosphere will change enough to induce meaningful climate change.' So sorry, that was an error on my behalf. That wa...

  840 Hits
world A World of Opportunity

Brexit is Working - Part TWO

We are pleased to publish this analysis by Sebastian James based on his blog at The Blue Anchor. PART TWO In part two we look at GDP growth. The dataset is here. Here is the graph:  Below is the section from 1956 when records began up to the 1975 referendum vote to remain:  I see a line going up from bottom left to top right. GDP grew fro...

  1092 Hits
Noose Strangled to Death

Inquisition Resurgent

As Cayetano Ripoll slowly choked to death on the Spanish scaffold, he would have been unaware that he was the last to suffer that fate at the hands of the Inquisition. They had demanded he be burned at the stake. As a compromise he was hanged, a slow death compared with the recently mandated garrote. Ripoll's crime was to have taught Deism, that th...

  877 Hits

Unfinished Business of Brexit

It's time to well and truly close a chapter and consolidate those newfound freedoms. Post-Brexit Britain needs a plan, it needs a rallying cry, and the anxiety of Britain's place in the world needs to end. Managed decline or nostalgia-driven fantasies of 'Global Britain', dictates the naysayers charter. There are no solutions, they claim. Well ther...

  842 Hits
world A World of Opportunity

Brexit is Working

We are pleased to publish this analysis by Sebastian James based on his blog at The Blue Anchor.  PART ONE After the vote to leave The Guardian started a regular tracker to chart its impact on the economy. But as the Remainer predictions turned to dust and the good news kept piling up the Guardian quietly dropped this feature. So I'm reviving ...

  1343 Hits
Piggy-Bank Breaking the Bank

Eurozone’s ‘shadow debts’ start to become real ones, and threaten the Bundesbank with bankruptcy

The German Federal Audit Office ('Bundesrechnungshof') has warned that the Bundesbank may need a bailout due to losses on the EUR650 billion of bonds it bought as part of the Eurozone's equivalent of Quantitative Easing. The Daily Telegraph reported on this on 26 June. Of course the risk is not for the entire EUR650 billion but for the fraction by ...

  1863 Hits

Indulge in Premium Gaming: A Look at the PlayStar Slots

The world of online gaming has witnessed a remarkable evolution in recent years, with advancements in technology and innovative gameplay experiences captivating players around the globe. One noteworthy contributor to this trend is PlayStar, a prominent player in the online casino industry that offers an array of premium gaming options, including ca...

  735 Hits
crying EU Loser Tantrum

The Seven Year Tantrum

Two weeks ago I wrote an article about the show trial of Boris Johnson. It attracted attention and comment on twitter. I have never looked at comments on the Bruges Twitter feed and it was a revelation. The level of spite and childish name calling was staggering. Since the removal of Boris the antics of EU acolytes and their rejoiner friends has be...

  968 Hits
IS Born in the Right Body

Born in the right body: gender identity ideology from a medical and feminist perspective

By Isidora Sanger, paperback, 359 pages, ISBN 9798364867902, independently published, 2022, £11.99.   Isidora Sanger is the nom-de-plume of a retired medical doctor. In this splendid book she demolishes the case for gender identity ideology. Both the Gender Recognition Act and the Equality Act have been systematically misrepresented to ju...

  1937 Hits

Turning Things Around

The UK must not listen to declinists and defeatists. It is amazing how fast things can be turned around, and I've seen it in education, where the material we work with is often difficult. In the late Seventies I taught in an inner-city multiracial secondary school neighbouring Handsworth, where the first riots were to come three years later. The bu...

  876 Hits

No To Left-Wing Declinism !

coThe economist Duncan Weldon has told the New Statesman's Will Dunn that 'Brexit is a "slow puncture" on the UK economy.' As former business editor of BBC's Newsnight and so presumably of the Left he received soft treatment by Dunn. Let us deflate his arguments a little. Clearly much of our difficulty with the EU post-Brexit is intentional on thei...

  824 Hits

Why Casinos Have a High Impact on the UK Economy

When it comes to the UK economy, casinos are more than just places of entertainment and gambling. They profoundly impact the country's economic landscape, contributing significantly to its growth and development. This blog post will help us explore the top compelling reasons why casinos play a crucial role in the UK economy, driving employment, tou...

  791 Hits

Partygate: Mixed Feelings

The news is full of political parties at the moment - the drinking and dancing kind. No sooner did Boris Johnson decide to jump Parliament before he was pushed than it transpired one of the Privileges Committee himself attended a jolly during lockdown. The Guardian's piece on Bernard Jenkin is uncharacteristically balanced, perhaps because of mixed...

  977 Hits

Wannabe Dictators

Why do we ape America, but so badly? Let's start with our 'big brother': On Tuesday, an editor at Fox News (fascists!) subtitled a live feed 'WANNABE DICTATOR SPEAKS AT THE WHITE HOUSE AFTER HAVING HIS POLITICAL RIVAL ARRESTED.' The banner was taken down within seconds and the editor told to get his National Insurance card stamped or whatever they ...

  1367 Hits
Boot Treading on Justice

An Attack on Law and Democracy

The hatred of Brexit is so great that it seems its opponents are happy to destroy not just the rule of law, but democracy itself in their quest for vengeance. Those who deny this, should read the Guardian newspaper Opinion piece 13th June 2023 Titled "Brexit was Johnson and Johnson was Brexit. Now that he has gone, Britain must think again" Its sub...

  2085 Hits

A Closer Look at Playtech's Age of the Gods Jackpot Slot Series

Playtech is a market-leading online casino software provider that has developed some of the world's most-loved games. They have produced and supplied games to casino sites since the late 90s. On this page, we will be taking a look at the hugely successful Age of the Gods progressive jackpot slot series. You can also find out where to play some of t...

  1384 Hits
Derek-Norman Derek Norman

Derek Norman Obituary

It was sad to receive the news of the death of Derek Norman from the head of the British Weights & Measures Association (BWMA), which he had been an active member of for many years, as well as an active UKIP member in his part of Cambridgeshire. He became well known as one of a team who, when given the location of illegal council signs showing ...

  1020 Hits
wolves-924358_1920 The Wolves (now Blooded) Circle…

Call to arms

The Conservative Party killed the golden goose and got a lame duck. The wolves (now blooded) circle… A former prime minister has not only been pushed from office, but chased out of Parliament as well. Did that happen to Neville Chamberlain? Did it happen to Edward Heath? These days, however, former leaders need to be extinguished as well as removed...

  995 Hits
Ukraine_and_Great_Britain_will_continue_to_strengthen_anti-war_coalition_-_Volodymyr_Zelenskyy_after_meeting_with_Boris_Johnson_in_Kyiv._51994994336 Like the Terminator he will be back

Boris is playing 8D Chess

'It is very sad to be leaving parliament - at least for now - but above all I am bewildered and appalled that I can be forced out, anti-democratically, by a committee chaired and managed, by Harriet Harman, with such egregious bias.' This resignation of Bojo first starting point was the kangaroo court that was image  of the modern po...

  1324 Hits

Boris and the divided house

Boris Johnson's letter of resignation wonders how Harriet Harman's panel could have come to its conclusion: I have received a letter from the Privileges Committee making it clear - much to my amazement - that they are determined to use the proceedings against me to drive me out of Parliament. That sense of injustice is reminiscent of Sir Thomas Mor...

  942 Hits
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Answer the Question

Seven years after the Brexit referendum and three years since we actually left the EU project fear has intensified. Those who could never, and still cannot, explain why they want to be ruled by an unelected and democratically unaccountable president and 27 person commission, daily attack democracy. According to Osborne, Soros, Labour, Lib Dems, SNP...

  971 Hits

Tories: The Party's Over

It's time to call it a day. I'm not the only one saying it - ask Dominic Cummings, for another. The Party is moribund and we need to put it out of our misery. As for the Labour Party, that died a long time ago. New Labour gave a new meaning to the word 'New': 'Not.' Now it is a soft-handed version of revolutionary Communism, dedicated to the overth...

  1034 Hits

Brexit and Day Trading: What You Need to Know

The United Kingdom's departure from the European Union has had a significant impact on many aspects of life, including day trading in the UK. As businesses had to adapt their international collaborations and activities, their market values were put through a new set of challenges. Before Brexit, the United Kingdom was a central hub for day trading ...

  1228 Hits

Unlocking the secrets of winning at online slots

Slot machines are one of the most iconic aspects of the casino experience. The flashing lights add vibrancy to the casino floor while the bells and whistles provide an exciting soundtrack. It's hard to imagine a casino without slot machines. Online casinos have brought the slot machine into the 21st century. The continuing popularity of slots is ob...

  1057 Hits

Do Small Businesses Need to Provide Health Insurance?

Are Small Business Owners Obligated to Offer Health Insurance to Employees?  As a small business owner, you're incentivized to cut costs wherever possible so you can remain profitable and operational. At the same time, you want to keep your employees happy so you can retain your top talent. Do small businesses need to provide health insurance?...

  569 Hits

The Comprehensive Guide to Daily Fantasy Sports Wagering

Imagine a realm where sports aficionados combine their love for the game with their analytical prowess to win monetary rewards. Welcome to the world of Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS). This rapidly growing avenue in the sphere of online gaming allows you to exercise your knowledge of sports while chancing your arm at earning handsome rewards. Understand...

  911 Hits

Asian Wedding

When we came back off holiday our next door neighbours invited us to their son's wedding. The previous occupants had been Hindu refugees from Idi Amin's purges and when one of their sons got married the festivities were held at home. We looked in: the women were gathered in the front room, the men out back. We still exchange cards at Christmas. Thi...

  833 Hits
2020_31_lords-scaled Short defence of our timeless hierarchy

Britain's Unique Aristocracy

The word aristocracy has many stigmas and dogmas to it, some good, some bad, and Britain's aristocracy has in the past deservingly or not earned most of them to some degree or another. The good far outweighs the bad, this good that our aristocracy has contributed mightily to our stability and prosperity and that without it we would have neither. To...

  813 Hits

Navigating the Complexities of UK Business Energy Rates

Navigating the complexities of UK business energy rates can be a daunting task for any business owner. With various suppliers, tariffs, and contract types to choose from, it's essential to understand the market and make informed decisions that will help you save money on your energy bills. In this article, we'll explore the intricacies of UK busine...

  1005 Hits
Robin-Page-ball--chain The EU Ball and Chain

Robin Page Obituary

Robin Page who sadly passed away aged 80 at the end of May 2023 was not only a famous countryman and conservationist, as well as being well known for being a presenter of 'One Man & His Dog', he was also a vocal and active campaigner against membership of the EU. He first came to my attention during the one and only Referendum Party conference ...

  1158 Hits

The Beauty-Utility Grid

The architect Robert Venturi said buildings were either Ducks (whose exteriors advertise their function) or Decorated Sheds, where the ornament is independent of the contents. This idea has wider applications: for example the British Constitution is a Decorated Shed, if you accept Walter Bagehot's separation of its parts into 'dignified' and 'effic...

  955 Hits

The Persistence Of Memory

The Jewish Museum in Thessaloniki is carefully guarded. The man who let us in the outer door asked where we were from; it may have been more than polite interest. The inner door was electronically operated by another watchman in a shadowy cubbyhole. The first room held stone fragments from the centuries-old 80-acre Jewish cemetery outside the city'...

  885 Hits

3 Best Caribbean Second Citizenship Programs

Today's realities are so changeable that one has to think about the step to switch places of residence. Many people consider options with a favorable climate and unique nature, but at the same time, modern infrastructure to make a living more comfortable. That is why countries located on the Caribbean islands are gaining popularity. Have the best y...

  1131 Hits

Tabela Do Brasileirão Da Série A Tabela Oficial Confederação Brasileira De Futebol

Paulo César Gusmão promoveu logo de cara uma mudança na estrutura tática do Tubarão. O time até chegou a sair em vantagem diante do rubro-negro. Ao sofrer o 2 a 1, acumulou a terceira derrota consecutiva. No grupo A7, a Ferroviária segue sem vencer e jogando, na Fonte Luminosa, não saiu do empate sem gols contra o CRAC-GO. A equipe de Araraquara é ...

  1548 Hits

UK debt and the sword of Damocles

The general public has little idea of how much debt hangs over our heads. Today, Laura Perrins warns us that government borrowing is now equivalent to 99.2% of GDP (i.e. a whole year's worth of national economic activity); but that is only the tip of the iceberg, because it is only looking at public sector borrowing. Unlike the UK, where valuable f...

  992 Hits
Abolition The Abolition of Sex and its Harm

The Abolition of Sex: How the ‘Transgender’ Agenda Harms Women and Girls

  By Kara Dansky, paperback, 130 pages, ISBN 978-1-63758-339-9, Bombardier Books, 2021 This is a hard-hitting critique of the dangerous 'transgender' ideology. This ideology's central claim is that men can be some form of women - 'transwomen'. Anyone who questions this is labelled, libeled, 'transphobic'. One of President Biden's first acts wa...

  2655 Hits

Greece's Vampire Squid Rings

In 2010 journalist Matt Taibbi shot to a new level of prominence with his 'vampire squid' label for Goldman Sachs '… relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.' Greece's Establishment has chosen to use that as a model. In a moment, we will look at the official scam known as 'Hercules'. As with the concentration of p...

  940 Hits
face-4908263_1280 See Behind the Mask

The Conservative Party is Mr. Hyde

The Conservative party is in trouble. The problem is that most of its supporters and a few of its MPs don't understand its ethos. During most of the last century, fear of a rabid socialist party (Atlee's 1945 party was really communist) has conspired to keep the wool pulled over most voter's eyes. If Brexit had never happened this situation may hav...

  1069 Hits
cloaked-liabilities Hidden Debts

Totality of on- and off-balance sheet liabilities of the EU public sector is cloaked in obscurity

The totality of the public sector liabilities of EU and Eurozone member states is clouded in obscurity. The key measure tracked by Eurostat - 'General government gross debt' – is circumvented to such an extent that, based on year-end 2021 figures, debts of around €6.4 trillion failed to be registered, and contingent liabilities of around €3.8 trill...

  1746 Hits

Greece's New Democracy

From Our Man In Thessaloniki Greeks go to the polls on Sunday to elect their national legislature. Voting is compulsory, even for Greeks abroad (as so many are, since the economy crashed), but the obligation is not enforced and the turnout in 2019 was less than 58%. Foreigners who are permanently resident may also take part (something that our Sir ...

  904 Hits

News Report: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Financial Markets

The use of artificial intelligence is currently paving the way to unprecedented possibilities in the financial sphere. With AI's growing capability and development, which is the current focus of most major market players, AI is carving itself an invaluable role. With the use of machine learning, natural language processing, and deep learning, finan...

  1714 Hits
Sir-John-Redwood Rt Hon Sir John Redwood PC MP

The great western inflation should lead to changes at the Central Banks

John Redwood's Lecture, All Souls College, Oxford  Rt Hon Sir John Redwood will be giving a lecture on the great western inflation of the last two years. He will examine the role of the Central banks, explain how they could have avoided the general price rises, and ask how the Bank of Japan, the Swiss Central Bank and the People's Bank of Chin...

  1491 Hits
eu-liabilities-behemoth Hidden EU Debts

The archipelago of EU public sector entities with borrowing powers has created a behemoth of liabilities

The EU member states contain numerous public sector entities with borrowing powers, and whose debts fall outside the definition of member state debt as reported by Eurostat. The responsibility for the debts tracks back, one way or another, to the member state but the amounts involved are opaque. All that can be said with complete certainty is that ...

  1840 Hits
eu-banking-sysyem-falsification EU Banking System Smoke and Mirrors

The EU banking system has falsified the amount of its cushion against losses

EU authorities have permitted commercial banks to implement a particularly aggressive form of risk-evaluation methodology, the result of which is the ability to claim a thick loss-absorption cushion and to attest that the EU banking system is stable and resilient. It isn't: cushions are as thin as before the Eurozone financial crisis. This is laid ...

  1441 Hits
Ten The Government are Not Listening

European Scrutiny Committee Letter To Rishi Sunak

European Scrutiny CommitteeHouse of Commons London SW1A 0AATel (020) 7219 3292 Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. From: Sir William Cash MP 15 May 2023 Rt Hon. Rishi Sunak MP Prime Minister10 Downing StreetLondon SW1A 2AA Change in Government policy on Retained EU Law and the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill Dear P...

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change-671376_1920 Change is Overdue

Reforming the House Of Lords

It was often said about the anatomy of a bumble bee, when looked at its shape and size of wings, that they should not be able to fly, but do. There are lots of things like bumble bees that should not work but do, the House of Lords in the days before Tony Blair got his meddling mitts on it worked reasonably well. In those days the majority of membe...

  1046 Hits
eurosystem-commercial-bank Eurosystem is an unregulated Commercial Bank

The Eurosystem has become a commercial bank, except one without a credit assessment department or loss-absorption cushion

The Eurosystem has expanded its operations well beyond what a central bank would have traditionally undertaken. It now owns assets that are not 'central bank money' definitionally. Assets have credit ratings as low as BB in the Standard and Poor's system, which means they are 'Speculative Grade' and involve 'Substantial credit risk'. It does not ev...

  1595 Hits
What did we learn about the Conservative Democratic Organisation and Moggmentum Refreshing and something we needed to hear

What did we learn about the Conservative Democratic Organisation and Moggmentum

This Saturday, grassroot conservatives across the nation nestled in the city of Bournemouth to enlighten themselves with the refreshing back to basic Tory rhetoric. While enemies of Traditional Conservatives tried to thwart this event  as 4D Chess moves from Johnsonites (although repeatedly stated not a Pro-Johnson movement from the ...

  1244 Hits
broken Broken Promises

Broken Promises

Rishi Sunak's government is consistent in one thing. It makes promises to implement policies clearly aimed at public support, only to, within a short period, to unfailing announce that it will not after all go ahead, or that oi might, but only at some indeterminate point in the future. Far from providing a reason to vote Conservative it is generati...

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The Woke Triumvirate Prime Minister: Keir Starmer (Left) Deputy Prime Minister: Ed Davey (Right)

The Woke Triumvirate

  He [Caesar] declared in Greek with a loud voice to those who were present 'Let a die be cast' and led the army across. — Plutarch, Life of Pompey, 60.2.9 The meaning of this quote from Plutarch describes the start of the Roman Civil War, Julius Caesar articularly describes that things have happened that can't be changed back. This was s...

  1296 Hits

Out pops the cloven hoof

Yesterday (Thursday 11 May) was a wonderful demonstration of why we are blessed to have a sovereign Parliament. The Business Secretary Kemi Badenoch had informed the Press before telling Parliament about the decision to remove the deadline for abolishing hampering EU legislation. Coming to the House to explain, she began with an unfortunate turn of...

  938 Hits
union-jack-3431475_1920 United Kingdom

Coronation Reflections

Our undoubted king has been anointed, crowned, walked through the Abbey accompanied by his queen, preceded by a priestess sword bearer - the lady of the lake. So far, so good. Britain was almost united again as it is sometimes and usually on a royal occasion, understanding implicitly that our monarch (but not their wider family) best represent...

  800 Hits

Contact us

Director : Robert Oulds
Tel: 020 7287 4414
Chairman: Barry Legg
The Bruges Group
246 Linen Hall, 162-168 Regent Street
London W1B 5TB
United Kingdom
Founder President :
The Rt Hon. the Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven LG, OM, FRS 
Vice-President : The Rt Hon. the Lord Lamont of Lerwick,
Chairman: Barry Legg
Director : Robert Oulds MA, FRSA
Washington D.C. Representative : John O'Sullivan CBE
Founder Chairman : Lord Harris of High Cross
Head of Media: Jack Soames